Left : Baseball Jersey – Undefeated (Available at CLOT), sunglasses – Zaran’s own
Right : T-shirt – CLOT

攝影/PHOTOS : Nick D for precursorprints.com

SPITGAN : 姓名/年龄/所在城市/国籍
Zaran Vachha : Zaran/29/香港/英国(公民)

SPITGAN : Name/Age/Current City/Nationality
Zaran Vachha : Zaran/29/Hong Kong/British (citizen)

< English continued after the Chinese >

SG : 你是做什么的?
ZV : 我身兼数职。主要从事节日,场地,活动和品牌的音乐指导以及节目顾问。

SG : 这是否是你梦想中的生活?
ZV : 由于巨大的工作量与紧密的日程安排,我经常会忘记这是我的梦想。特别是在香港。然而我可以一边看着我喜欢的音乐人和朋友们喝酒聊天还能一边拿着报酬。我没有理由不热爱这份职业!

SG : 你为了梦想做出的最大的牺牲是什么?
ZV : 因为要追求个人梦想,我常常冷落了家人,女朋友,好朋友,在他们最需要我的时候无法陪伴左右。由于自己的缺席而伤害到别人的感情,虽然取得成功却让人感觉很自私,所以很难做。

SG : 你到目前为止人生的至高点是?
ZV : 对我来说比较深刻的至高点是是把我的妈妈带去观摩了一场我组织的大型街头派对。在那之前,她根本不知道我做了些什么。那天也正好是她的生日。所有人都为她唱生日歌。那一刻在我脑海中久久挥之不去,我体会到了在做自己喜欢的事情。

SG : 你会怎样帮助家乡变得更好?
ZV : 我所关注的几件事。

SG : 你希望和谁合作呢?
ZV : 我爱死了Erykah Badu,Chaka Khan,还有The Roots – 我希望有机会与J Dilla, Fela Kuti, and Larry Levan合作。

SG : 最喜爱的中国英雄?
ZV : 如果能够追溯历史的话我想应该是孙子。现代的话?洪金宝吧,有什么能比一个会武打的胖子更牛x的呢!

SG : 你佩服的中国现代榜样。
ZV : DJ Kulu,香港乐坛教父。他为香港乐坛做了太多贡献。他的存在如此震撼人心。同样的还有Buzz的Ben Ku,造就各种香港音乐与美食,还有Roy Malig,伟大的DJ和打碟英雄。其他如Little Bao的May Chow。倡导将现代中国食品带入国际视野,还有Above Second的May Wong,努力为我们香港带来耳目一新,生动有趣的街头艺术,并致力于推广本土艺人。他们凭着双手打造了一切,正能量爆棚。

Left : T-shirt – CLOT
Right : Peacoat – Saint Laurent, sunglasses – Zaran’s own

< English continued >

SG : What do you do?
ZV : I wear many hats. Mainly I am an events and music consultant for festivals, venues, events and brands.

SG : Are you living your dream?
ZV : Due to the enormous and sporadic work hours I have, I often forget that I am living the dream. Especially in Hong Kong. I get paid to watch some of my favourite musicians and get drunk with my friends. What’s not to love!

SG : What is the greatest sacrifice you have made to live your dream?
ZV : Chasing this dream of mine, I have let down family, girlfriends, and good friends by not being there when they needed me the most. Hurting people because you’re not available, due to your own seemingly selfish endeavour to succeed is tough.

SG : What has been a high point so far?
ZV : The high point that stands out to me the most is bringing my mum to a massive street party that I organised. Till then she had no idea what I did. It happened to be her birthday. I got the crowd to sing happy birthday to her. It was immense. It really cemented in my mind that I was doing what I loved.

SG : One change you would make to your hometown for the better.
ZV : A few things!
A) Rent and costs is stifling creativity.
B) People’s unjustified sense of entitlement (Do you know who the fuck I am? etc).
C) Consistent complaints and legislation against doing anything fun, or that which involves people having a good time. For some reason one resident’s noise complaint is more important than several hundred people enjoying themselves or businesses making a honest living.
D) Racism from police and taxi drivers late at night is a pet peeve of mine. Don’t know why they hate me!
But all in all I LOVE HONG KONG. It’s my home and there is no where in the world that is better than this. We complain – but we just don’t know how good we got it.

SG : Who would you like to work with right now?
ZV : I am dying to work with Erykah Badu, Chaka Khan and The Roots – I wish I could have worked with J Dilla, Fela Kuti, and Larry Levan.

SG : Favorite Chinese hero?
ZV : If I am allowed to go way back I would go for the general Sun Tzu. More recent? Sammo Hung, because what’s better than a fat man that can kick ass!

SG : A modern Chinese role model you admire.
ZV : DJ Kulu, the godfather of Hong Kong music. He has done so much for the Hong Kong music scene. Just so humbling to be in his presence. The same goes for people like Ben Ku from Buzz who created a different music and food scene in Hong Kong, and Roy Malig, a DJ stalwart and a vinyl hero. Others such as the May Chow from Little Bao. who is championing modern Chinese food and bringing it to an international audience, and May Wong, from Above Second, who is striving to bring cool, interesting street art to Hong Kong, as well as local promoting artist. They have built everything on their own. Truly inspirational.

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