Our friends at Mahka runnin’ the February 2017 playlist wish you Gung Hei Fat Choi! Great happiness, health and prosperity in the Year of the Cock! Mahka is introducing art into clothes, infusing couture to the street. Mahka shakes lines, creating a unique label with many facets in the process. Mahka is based in Hong Kong, and the brand’s inspirations are numerous, and multi-cultural. The Mahka universe offers clothes designed in collaborations with artists. Limited in quantities, of guaranteed quality, and exlusivity. It’s much more than clothes, its a real lifestyle that Mahka represents.
並可於 http://www.instagram.com/mahkaofficial/ 了解更多品牌訊息/Drop them a line at : https://www.instagram.com/mahkaofficial
而每個週三我們會在Mahka位於上環的店內與Hong Komg Community Radio𢹂手舉行現場音樂活動,有興趣的朋友歡迎前來玩玩/You know we do Wednesdays live with them at their amazing space in Sheung Wan as well times the good folks at Hong Kong Community Radio! Booyah!
Detroit – Morgan Geist (Remix)
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