作為一個造型師,有時候做一些事自己不會覺得有問題,但其他人就不覺得。比方說好像走進女士商店借衣服拍照,當踏入門口的一刻,好像要避開所有的警報器(女士的目光),變成一個透明人完成任務,但最終極任務是內衣店。倫敦高級內衣品牌Agent Provocateur的店一直都在連卡佛內,即使裝作透明人般進入借衣服,那環境及氣氛都像叫任何男人及透明人不能進入,有違者,斬立決!對於內衣的認識?不熟悉。坦白來說,對於一個外行人來看這個品牌的內衣,設計和款式真的不錯,什至有部分的款式亦未看過和十分有趣,就好像第一幅圖的那套內衣,蕾絲和高腰設計的款式,可謂性感尤物。其實這個時代,內衣不再是保護身體之用,亦是衣服搭配的用途;所以不要再用奇異眼光看我們這些因工作因素而走進內衣店的人。
As a stylist you do some pretty weird stuff. Its not so weird to yourself but I’m sure it looks weird to others. Things like borrowing clothes from the women’s section for shoots. Yeah I’m checking it out, and no joke, I am looking at it with the discerning eye of, ‘Would that make a girl look fine?’. The most bugged out would be venturing into the lingerie section. Agent Provoc used to have a store in Lane Crawford for store loans, and even though I was hardened by then, that shit weirded me out. It just seemed like a place I shouldn’t go. I tried to keep it pro 100, but seeing other customers in there, it seemed like crossing a line of privacy. To say I know a lot about lingerie? No. So as a red blooded fella, do I digs this? Yes. All I can say besides the fact that I can see many a woman looking fine in these pieces, is that there are some shapes and constructs I have never seen before. The mid-piece is interesting and the first image, the lace and high waste design looks cool as hell, and yes hot as hell!
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