据我所知,Dries还没有做过运动鞋呢,不过我也不能完全确定。迟到的最新佳作犹如重磅炸弹,也正如之前Van Noten先生所预期的一样。我敢担保他是一位设计师中的设计师,我的意思是他从来没有做不好的事。我发现他那耐人寻味的面料,目测好像男士西服的面料一样…不管了。当你看到它时,嘴角还没有像巴甫洛夫的狗那样馋涎欲滴,只能说你不懂时尚,别企图狡辩。
As far as I know, Dries hasn’t done a sneaker yet. I admit I could be wrong. As a late entry though these are like an atomic bomb! As would be expected from Mr. Van Noten, I’m pretty sure he’s a designers’ designer, meaning he don’t do half-ass. I dig how he uses the unusual fabrics to create his. Almost looks like men’s suiting materials…Whatever. If your mouth don’t water like Pavlov’s dog on the sight of these you ain’t into good fashion. Eat that.
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