Nick Knight的作品任何時候都賞心悅目,因為他經常挑戰傳統,每每將攝影概念帶至數碼的巔峰,像他近日與Kate Moss合作為Topshop拍攝的影像,你便知道他從未停止鞭策過自己。除了高水準的影像外,這個由Kate Moss設計的 Topshop特別系列亦一如以往地漂亮,建議在還未有被可怕的熱血粉絲吞噬之前,早點去購買你的心水設計吧。
Its always nice to see new work by Nick Knight as he pushes his idea of photography forward in the digital realm. Marry that with the eternal Kate Moss for Topshop and you got it going on. Selected collection pieces are on point as well. Be on the lookout if they haven’t been gobbled up by the rabid fast-fashion masses already.
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