街頭時裝的喜訊-格林美得獎樂手 M.I.A.與 Versus Versace 推出聯名合作系列。但這次合作計劃的內容十分有趣,用盜版 Versace 服飾為創作藍本,反客為主。看到不少大品牌被人拿去做盜版,但品牌以盜版作主題可以說第一次,這可能是聯名合作系列有趣之處,將不同文化背景的2個人合作,從而擦出火花。不知這合作系列會否引起排隊的熱潮?!但如果這合作系列的定價是以盜版的價錢的話,那到時見吧!
Versace is really spreading its wings…Next up M.I.A x Versace. Looks like it mashes a lot of her tastes for tribal prints, with Versace’s famous classico ones. Everything looks alright! Jewellry looks chunk. The visuals are quite a departure from the Versace hypersexed usuals, which is pretty fresh. M.I.A. brings ’em the hella raw, flea market flavor.
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