據稱在北韓市集的攤位上隨處可見一座座「綠色的小山丘」。北韓「大麻草」是當地的大眾消費品,不過與其說它是大麻,倒不如說它是綠草。一整袋只售人民幣5圓! 是時候卷一條Bob Marley的小煙了,絕對推薦你去的旅遊好去處。
Supposedly available at market stalls ‘piled high with mounds of green’. North Korean weed is accessible to the general population but is much closer to weed than ‘the chronic’. Full plastic bags for the equivalent of 5RMB! Time to roll up some Bob Marley cones! This is a tourist attraction!
thanx D-DOT!
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