特別鳴謝Lucas Luraka安排是次訪問。/Special thanks to Lucas Luraka for the arrangement.
攝影/Photos – Nick D for precursorprints.com
翻譯/Translation – Jin Tao

來自法國的「壞孩子 (L’enfant terrible)」 Charlie Le Mindu是一位髮型師更是時裝設計師,但他的「時裝」與「髮藝」可是非一般的,他以頭髮替取代布料做時裝,又將時裝概念放在頭上生花,極具前瞻性的創意,令他成為當今獨一無二的設計師 / 髮型師,並得到樂壇重量級人馬如Lady Gaga、Lana del Rey的青睬。不論是充滿雕塑感的、極具概念性的,還是像擁有魔法的反地心吸力的「髮衣」,都展現了這位壞孩子驚人的創意。不得不提的是,他還是一位DJ!早前他受到Premium Sofa Club的Lucas邀請來港打碟,Spitgan識英雄重英雄,與他做了一個充滿趣味的訪問。

Charlie Le Mindu. L’enfant terrible? He of hair creations as fashion pieces… sculptural, conceptual, and gravity defying looks; florescent jellyfish visions…some of Lady Gaga’s most iconic looks. Well home slice popped into our stomping grounds not long ago to play some records along with his partner, artist Stephane Delgado. Seems they have a thing with our boy, Lucas Luraka from back back so we were able to hook it up for this off the cuff conversation that was everything we hoped for and more! SPITGAN!

SPITGAN : 你認為史上最好看的關於頭髮的電影是哪部?
Charlie Le Mindu : 我喜歡John Waters 的“Female Trouble”,還有“Hairspray”,是之前拍的更經典的那部。因為我比較熱衷於假髮,所以對打理得很漂亮的頭髮不是很感興趣,看起來頹廢的頭髮特別能吸引我。我說的電影是就我個人口味而言,如果是電影本身的話我比較喜歡“Mommy Dearest”。說的是一個瘋狂富婆的生活,當然她的頭髮也是很好看的。

SG : 在工作中那些頭髮的特質特別能吸引你?
CLM : 俄羅斯人,哈哈。我用頭髮還有假髮片做衣服和飾品,有個朋友每年會給我提供約120千克人髪。我只用俄羅斯人的頭髮,雖然我也喜歡中國人及印度人的頭髮,但它們實在太黑了,不適合我的工作需要。巴西人的還不錯,但髮質又太硬。所以,我只用俄羅斯人的。雖然要買的話很貴,但我不用付錢!俄羅斯人的髮質很有韌性,比較接近中國或西伯利亞人髮。區別是俄羅斯的人髮要輕得多,如果你想把它染成金色,基本上就不需要花太多功夫,而中國人髪基本都是黑色或深褐色,要染成金色還得先漂染就比較麻煩。

SG : 有點意思,我記得我小時候想把頭髮染成白色,他們都說不可能,因為跟亞洲人髮色完全相反。
CLM : 其實我通常是金髮,然後會染成別的顏色。

SG : 我看到你本人的照片頭髮顏色幾乎都很深,還真是跟大部分人背道而馳。
CLM : 是的,都是深色。英國人稱之為老鼠金。

SG : 據我所知,在某些方面你是一個傳統主義者。怎樣才能成為一位優秀的髮型師呢?
CLM : 我覺得最重要的是…比如說,我所有助理都是日本人,因為他們懂得許多技巧。我有很多日本、意大利及法國助理,我不怎麼用英國助理。我認為,國籍對我來說非常重要,因為這關乎文化。例如(日本),他們在時尚文化方面的東西真的做得很好,還有他們的技巧,總有一些很吸引人的東西。而法國人也有很不錯的技術,但就比較缺少現代氣息。法國的時尚是…美麗的,但法國沒有什麼特別現代的東西。

SG : 我大概能了解你的意思,我去巴黎看時裝秀也感覺到,亞洲在這領域迅速崛起,但我喜歡巴黎各種經典丶源遠流長的文化…
CLM : 是的,沒錯,倫敦也有著強大的能量氣場。我總是說,巴黎就像一座巨大的博物館,但它不是一座當代博物館,而是被放大的羅浮宮,無處不在。

SG : 我能體會…
CLM : 人也沒有那種現代氣息。

SG : 令我震驚的是夜店居然都集中在香榭麗舍大道,那可是旅遊景點啊…
CLM : 我在巴黎不經常出去(夜生活)…

SG : 一個人的特質,是否影響你的發揮空間,比如哪些可以做哪些不能做?
CLM : 是的……你懂的,比如說我的客戶,我和很多明星合作過。和Lady Gaga合作的時候,我會問她欣賞哪些明星,喜歡聽什麼樣的音樂丶那類型的電影,然後我總結出她的喜好來為她造型,所以說,個人屬性是相當重要的。就跟穿衣服一樣,即便你身上穿著最華麗的McQueen的禮服,但如果你不覺得它好看,你穿上只會顯得醜陋。髮型也是同一回事,基本的理念是相同的,當然也要配合客戶的臉型。

SG : 你覺得名人客戶會讓你在他們身上自由發揮創造還是…
CLM : 這要看情況,因為名人背後往往有一支很龐大的團隊,有化妝師丶時尚造型師等,所以這是一個團隊的合作。當然也包括公關…(大笑)。

SG : 所以這種合作是非常商業化的?
CLM : 是的,比如說Lady Gaga,她就比較隨意。我幾乎可以在她身上隨便自由發揮。但是,我和Lena del Rey合作的時候,幾乎都保持一致的造型…因為我跟她合作也比較久了,所以我可以這樣說出來


SG : 亞洲人的頭髮有什麼優點以及缺點呢?
CLM : 亞洲人的髮質非常棒,摸上去非常堅韌,所以女性的髮型很容易讓我造型,但男性的頭髮…就取決於客戶的國籍了。亞洲的頭型其實挺不一樣的,男性的頭髮比較困難,因為太硬總是豎起來,你懂的,女性的就相對容易多了。

SG : 你是從什麼時候開始有讓頭髮像時裝般穿戴的想法?
CLM : 在我於柏林工作的那段時期,當時為一位叫Peaches的歌手工作。

SG : 她是加拿大人。
CLM : 是的,她總是對我說她想讓頭髮延伸的很長很長,因為她非常喜歡頭髮。我當時想,好吧,我便開始將頭髮縫到衣服上!她看起來就像一個怪物!整體看起來像一頂巨大的假髮。看起來又像皮草,但你沒有殺人取髮,所以挺好的。

SG : 她算不算是啟發了你的創作靈感的人呢?
CLM : 她後來將我介紹給了Christina Aguilera,Lady Gaga,小甜甜…

SG : 你覺得頭髮穿起來舒服嗎?
CLM : 其實挺糟糕的…

SG : 我猜如果不小心把它弄濕的話應該會很糟糕。
CLM : 呃,估計會很噁心,因為它不是皮草,皮草是柔軟的,我想穿頭髮大衣的唯一的好處是,讓你非常溫暖。在冬天的話禦寒效果應該很棒。

SG : 像皮衣嗎?當我穿皮衣的時候也很暖和。
CLM : 是的,頭髮更暖和,比皮衣暖和多了。它真的很像一件裘皮大衣,比裘皮更保暖。

SG : 所以它更多的是一種藝術表現力與可視化,而並非真是為了當衣服穿吧?
CLM : 我不知道,我想這取決於客戶,我並沒有許多前來購買衣服的客戶,大部分是俄羅斯人,我有很多俄羅斯客戶。

SG : 亞洲人呢?
CLM : 不多,主要是俄羅斯人及阿拉伯人,像卡塔爾的家人就買了不少……其他的就是博物館收藏了,當然對此我深感榮幸。我覺得如果你把它們當衣服穿,你打算怎麼洗呢?沒辦法洗的。

SG : 只能乾洗? (大笑)
CLM : 免沖水洗髮露!沒錯…

Tina Chu :還有免沖水護髮素!

SG : 你覺得自己更傾向於藝術家還是服裝設計師?
CLM : 我覺得我是吉卜賽人,因為我喜歡到處走到處摸。


SG : 幽默在你的創作中佔多少比例?性呢?
CLM : 很大。其實我可以告訴你兩者對我來說都十分重要。你知道巴黎的Crazy Horse嗎?他們簽了我做下一場秀的藝術總監。對我來說,這並不性感,赤身裸體的,僅僅是一種美。當然性也是同樣重要的…。我在上海做了一場秀。我問那些女模特兒,是否能夠赤裸上身,她們回答‘不’,我非常能夠理解她們。但是,比如說,你去德國,問模特兒是否能夠裸體,他們會回答’可以’並且毫無顧忌。我認為這只是文化差異。我明白,如果你讓我光著身子去走秀,我絕對沒法做到,所以我很理解她們。但我也覺得,如果你是一個模特兒,這是你工作的一部分,裸體並不意味著你會變得庸俗。如果你對自己的身體有自信,即便你很胖,看起來也會很美麗。我認為這是信心問題,然後就是幽默。是的,人們來看我的秀,我當然想要讓他們由衷的開心。我熱愛情感的表達,我喜歡他們自由表達出自己的滿意或不滿,但如果他們不知道自己喜歡或不喜歡我就會介意了。我喜歡他們給出情緒。

SG : 你是否感到男性缺乏趣味或比較受制?因為你並沒有多少男性作品。
CLM : 男性給我許多啟發,然而我更受女性的啟發。

SG : 是否因為男性的頭髮可做的造型相對比較少呢?
CLM : 我真的很喜歡男生,因為我是同性戀,當我看到一個男生的時候,我只想把他的頭髮做成我喜歡看到的樣子,女孩也是如此。但我覺得女孩的造型選擇會更多,如果你給男生做一個怪異的頭髮造型,看上去可能會相當驚悚。

SG : 如果脫髮了還能夠吸引你嗎?哈哈。
CLM : 看情況,如果脫髮了還要強行植髮就比較恐怖!剃光的話…

SG : 梳到另一邊蓋住。
CLM : 梳過去…不!也許可以吧?不不不! (笑)如果你是一個脫髮的男生,我覺得最好還是剃光頭。你知道嗎,有一種粉末看起來像你本身頭髮的顏色,男人可以用它來隱藏禿頭,看起來很自然,但並非如此。

SG : 不可能!
CLM : 想想乾洗洗髮露,有顏色的那種,你噴了大量的乾洗洗髮露…它真的是粉狀的。所以遠看,好像沒什麼問題,但如果下雨了…你這一天就精彩了。你不能淋雨。

SG : 有沒有哪個時代的髮型你特別喜歡呢?
CLM : 我會說現代,因為我熱愛現在的一切。我最喜歡中國的技術,我指的是燙髮、剪髮的技術,大概4、5年前開始他們就一直領先了。他們的產品十分好用,真的是最好的。

SG : 中國產品? !
Tina Chu:你指哪種?
CLM : 他們最新的中國生產的挑染產品,真的太好用了…

SG : 它們質量如何?
CLM : 你知道為什麼我覺得它們好嗎?因為他們總能夠將最前沿的產品完美復制。一旦他們掌握了這方面的技術,他們能夠不斷完善到最好!這是真的!

SG : 我很驚訝,因為你在香港…
CLM : 但是,我使用的產品都是中國製造的,例如有個新品牌,是中國製造,非常新,這裡(香港)我從來沒見過。我只在倫敦法國見過,超貴的。

Tina Chu:你怎麼知道它是中國生產?
CLM : 我認識那家公司,是他們告訴我現在在中國生產的…

SG : 你指的是中國公司、中國老闆,還是中國代工廠?
CLM : 不,這不是中國品牌。我覺得哪裡生產的並不重要,從來也不重要。


Tina Chu:但眾所周知,中國的產品有時候的確很不可靠…
CLM : 是的,但它也是人口最多、最大的國家之一…你去Habitat看到的盤子就可能是中國製造的。 H&M …當然,在上海有很多高質量的商品不是嗎?也有很多很傳統的東西。對我來說,我真的不在乎它的產地。我只關心產品的質量。

SG : 有點讓人吃驚呢。你最喜歡自己到目前為止做的哪個系列呢?是A/W 13在黑暗中發光的水母,哦不,是S/S14。13年是黑色女人點綴大量的金色。您能否談談這兩個系列呢?
CLM : 是的,其中一個是熒光系列,基本上完全是我自己做出來的顏色。我將牙齒美白用途的熒光劑和染髮劑混在一起,差不多在暗室中做了6個月的實驗,在黑燈下研究顏色的化學反應。

SG : 這的確是個偉大的作品。
CLM : 金色系列,基本上用的都是俄國的真金髮…

SG : 很厲害。能否談談你的設計過程?創意是否有如泉湧,或完全依賴於化學反應,一個系列是否要耗費大量時間呢?
CLM : 這個很難說,磷光系列其實做的很快。我的意思是,之前花了六個月進行研發,是我想找到我需要的方式,一旦我確定該怎麼做,剩下的就很快了…在創意方面,我的點子還是蠻多的…

SG : 能從你的作品中發現。
CLM : 很大,但我從來不聽流行音樂,我只聽電子、重金屬及朋克,僅此而已。

SG : 嘻哈呢?
CLM : 沒有那麼多,我喜歡嘻哈但沒有具體的可以說…我只是完全不喜歡流行音樂,從不聽…

SG : 我們是否可以期待一下在“Royal Bitches”單曲之後之後會有一張完整的專輯呢?
CLM : 是的,當然,哈哈!

SG : 不錯!能說說具體的嗎?
CLM : 它是Universal集團旗下的一個叫LO娛樂的音樂製作公司,由Barclay發行…

SG : 你有自己的唱片發行公司嗎?
CLM : 不,我只佔該死的8%股份而已,因為我不知道怎麼做音樂,我只會唱歌而已。

SG : 你想好了專輯標題了嗎?
CLM : 是的,但我現在還不可以透露。哈哈。

SG : 在短期內在時尚界會有怎樣的動作,你會不會一直在時尚圈發展呢?
CLM : 我會在巴黎舉辦類似Crazy Horse(但不一樣)夜總會的評論節目。主題是“凝視”,那是在60年代在女權主義之後的一場運動。指的是直男在看表演的時候用很極端的眼光審視女性。他們對這些女性加入了自己的phantasme(法語,幻想),不同於普通女性,而是比如有3只乳房這樣的女性。但因為這是一次女權運動,他們(男性)必須懲罰自己。 (男人)在看到女人的時候太過興奮以至於高潮迭起,然而因為是後女權運動,他們不可以有高潮,女人要懲罰他們,女人想要變得強大,男人要在女人面前懲罰自己。所以這整個運動被稱為“男人的凝視”,的確是一場真正的運動,從1943差不多延續到70年代…挺可怕的。

SG : 現在你所做的算是你的職業?會一直做下去嗎?
CLM : 我不知道,我永遠不會退休。退休以後的生活無聊得可怕。

SG : 所以你的動力是激情?
CLM : 沒錯!


SPITGAN : What are some of the best hair movies of all time?
Charlie Le Mindu : Ahhh, I would say “Female Trouble” from John Waters, and “Hairspray”. But the old one, the real one. Just because I like wigs, and I don’t like very nice hair. I like it when its trash. So it seems these are the best movies in terms of my taste, otherwise I really like “Mommy Dearest”. It’s about the life of a crazy rich woman, and she has really nice hair as well.

SG : What qualities of hair really attract you to what you do…
CLM : Russian. Hahah. I make clothes made of hair and wigs and stuff, I have a friend (who) gives me about 120 kg (of hair) every year, human hair. And I only work with Russian hair. I love Chinese hair, and Indian hair, but they are too dark for me to work with. Brazilian is great, but it’s too strong. So I just work with Russian hair. It’s the most expensive, but I don’t need to pay for it! It’s really thick. It’s kind of really near Chinese hair and Siberian hair kind of, very strong. The difference is that Russian is much lighter, so if you want to make it blond, basically you don’t need to do lots of things on it, Chinese hair is almost black, or dark brown. If you make it blond, you need to bleach it.

SG : That’s interesting, I remember when I was a kid I wanted to do it white, they said you can’t do that because it’s total opposite of Asian hair.
CLM : I am blond normally. I colored everything.

SG : Every picture I’ve seen of you is pretty dark. Usually people go the other way.
CLM : Yes, its dark hair. The British call it mousy blonde.

SG : In ways I understand you are quite a traditionalist. What makes a good hair stylist?
CLM : I think what’s most important… you know for example, all my assistants are Japanese, because they are very good with techniques. I have lots of Japanese, Italian, French; I don’t have any English assistants, so much anymore. I think the nationality is very important for me because of the culture. For example (the Japanese) they have really good culture in terms of fashion and stuff, and then also technically, they are very interested in stuff. And French are very good technically but they are really not modern. Fashion in France is …beautiful, but there’s nothing modern about France.

SG : I see, because I kinda felt that, I went to Paris and I saw the shows, I felt that the new energy was in Asia; I like it (Paris) because of the classic culture…
CLM : Yes, exactly, London…London is great for that energy. For me I always say Paris is like a huge museum, but it’s not like a contemporary museum, it’s like the Louvre, everywhere.

SG : I sensed that…
CLM : And the people are not contemporary.

SG : I was shocked that the clubbing area was at the Champs-Élysées, the tourist spot…
CLM : Oh Bol. I don’t go out so much in Paris…


SG : A person’s features, do they play a large role in what you can and can’t do with their hair?
CLM : Yes…But you know when I have a client, for example, I work with celebrities a lot. When I work with Gaga, I ask her which celebrity she likes, what kind of music she listens, and what kind of movies she watches, then I get an idea of what she likes, and I say, “okay I’ll just do this”. The attributes are very important. You know its like when you wear clothes. Like you can wear the most amazing McQueen dress, if you don’t feel good in it, you are just gonna look so ugly. It’s the same with haircuts, of course you have respect features, but it’s the same.

SG : Do you find your celebrity clients willing to let you be more creative or is it the other way around?
CLM : It’s different, because celebrities have a big team behind them, you have the makeup artist the fashion stylist, so it’s a teamwork. PR people of course…lol.

SG : So it’s a big commercial when you get to them?
CLM : Yes, for example with Gaga, it’s fine. I can do whatever I want, almost. But when I work with Lena Del Rey, it’s always the same…I worked with her long enough, I can say that.

SG : What are the challenges or benefits of working with Asian hair?
CLM : With Asian hair, the quality is amazing. It’s good, but it’s so strong, I mean a women’s haircut is very easy for me to do, but men’s hair…with Asian, it depends on which nationality. With Asian it’s not always the same shape of head. Men’s hair is quite difficult, it sticks up you know, the women’s hair is quite easy to me.

SG : When did you begin to think of hair in a fashion context as wearable?
CLM : So basically I used to work in Berlin, for a singer called Peaches.

SG : She’s Canadian.
CLM : Yes, She said to me make my hair longer and longer, always, because she loves hair. I was like okay, okay. So I just started to sew it onto the clothes! She just looks like a freak! It looks like she has a giant wig. It looks like fur, but you don’t kill anyone so it’s fine.

SG : So she was one that kind of inspired you?
CLM : She is the one that kind of introduced me to Christina Aguilera, Lady Gaga, Brittany…

SG : Is hair a comfortable material to wear?
CLM : It’s horrible…

SG : I was going to say, when you get it wet, it must be crazy.
CLM : Uggh, its disgusting. It’s not like fur, because fur is soft, the only good thing is that if you wear a jacket made of hair, it’s so warm. In the winter it’s so nice.

SG : So it’s kinda like skin, when I put on leather, it’s warm.
CLM : Yes, hair is warmer, much warmer. It’s really like a fur coat but even warmer.

SG : Is it more artistic expression, a visual, than really meant to be worn as clothes?
CLM : I don’t know, it depends, I don’t have many clients buying the clothes, most of them are Russians, I have lots of Russians.

SG : How about Asians?
CLM : Not so much, Russians, Arabs, like the Qatar family buying a lot… after that are just museums, which I am happy about. I think if you wear the clothes, how are you going to wash them? You can’t wash them.

SG : Dry clean only? Lol.
CLM : Dry shampoo! Yes…

Tina Chu – And dry conditioner!


SG : Would you say you are more of an artist than a fashion designer?
CLM : I say I am a gypsy, because I go everywhere and I touch everything.

SG : How big a role does humor play in your work? Or sex?
CLM : A lot. Humor, actually you know I can answer both, both of them are very important to me. Do you know the Crazy Horse in Paris? I signed with them as the art director for the next show. For me, it’s not very sexual. They are naked, just beautiful. Sex is important…the same you know. I did a show in Shanghai. I asked the girls if you can go topless, they are like ‘no’, which I understand for a girl. But in a way, I am like, look if you go to Germany and ask the model if you can go naked, they would say ‘yes’ and just do it. I think it’s just in the culture. I understand. If you ask me to go naked on the catwalk, no way, so I understand. I think when you are a model you should do it. Being naked doesn’t mean you are gonna be vulgar. If you are confident about your body, you can be super fat and be naked, and you can be really beautiful. I think it’s about confidence. Then after, humor, yes, when people come to my show I want to make them smile, and I love emotions. I really like it if they like it, or if they don’t like it. I don’t like it when they don’t know. I prefer them to give emotions.

SG : Are men uninspiring to you or the options limited? You don’t have a lot of men’s work.
CLM : Men are very inspiring to me, but I am more inspired by women.

SG : Is there maybe less to do (with men’s hair)?
CLM : I am really attracted to men, because I am gay, when I see a man, I just want to do his hair exactly the way I want him to look like, and girls as well. But I think there are more options for a girl, if you do a weird hair cut on a man, it can be so ugly.

SG : You are not attracted to people that are losing hair? Haha.
CLM : It depends, if they try to grow it, its terrible! If they shave it…

SG : The comb-over!
CLM : The comb-over…No! Maybe it can? No, no, no! (laughs) If you are a man and you lose hair, just shave it, I guess. The worst you know, there’s a kind of powder that looks like the color of your hair, men can use it to hide spots, and it looks natural but not.

SG : No way!
CLM : Image a dry shampoo, which is colored and you put a lot… it’s really powdery. From far you can’t tell anything. And if it rains… just good day. You can’t get it wet.

SG : What are some of your favorite eras of hairstyle?
CLM : I say now, because I love everything now. I know my favorite techniques are Chinese techniques. Yes, in terms of perms and hair cutting techniques since 4 or 5 years ago, they are the best things. They find the best things. They are so good.

SG : In China?!
Tina Chu – Like what?!
CLM : The new products for highlighting, all the coloring products from China are so good…

SG : They are of quality?!
CLM : You know why they are good? They are good because they are the best at copying everything. Now they know all the best things, they just make them even better! It’s the truth!

SG : I am shocked. We live in Hong Kong…
CLM : But the product I use, they are made in China, for example there’s this new brand, (called Leonabraid?) It’s made in China. It’s very new; I never saw it here (in Hong Kong). I only saw it in France and London; super expensive.

Tina Chu – How do you know it’s made in China?
CLM : I know the company; they told me it’s made in China now…

SG : As a Chinese company? Like Chinese owner, manufacture?
CLM : No, no, it’s Chinese branding. I don’t think it really matters where it’s made. It never mattered actually.

Tina Chu : But China is known for very dodgy manufacturing processes…
CLM : Yes. But its also you have the biggest population, and it’s one of the biggest countries…like I know when you go to Habitat and you see a plate, I think it’s made in China. H&M… Of course in Shanghai there is amazing quality as well no? And also all the traditional things and such. For me, I really don’t care where it’s made from. I just see the quality of product.


SG : I am amazed. What are some of your favorite collections to date especially A/W 13, which was the glow in the dark jellyfish, oh no that was S/S14. ‘13 was the black women in a lot of gold. Can you talk about those 2 a little bit?
CLM : Yes, the one which is fluorescent, basically it’s a color I made of my own. So I mixed the fluorescein which is a product meant to use for the teeth, I put it in hair color, and I worked for 6 months in the dark, under black light to see how it’s gonna react.

SG : That was brilliant.
CLM : And the gold one, basically all the hair is out of Russia, really gold…

SG : Awesome. Can you talk about your design process? Is it very quick to be inspired, or is it scientific, and it takes a lot of time to become a collection?
CLM : It depends really. The phosphorescent one was so quick. I mean it took me 6 months to do, I really wanted to do it this way, once I found how to do it I just went, the rest is just…I am really OK to have ideas…

SG : It shows in your work.

SG : How big of a role does music play in your creative process?
CLM : A lot a lot, but I never listen to pop music, I just listen to electronic, heavy metal, and punk, that’s it.

SG : Any hip-hop?
CLM : Not so much, I like hip-hop but I couldn’t tell you… I just don’t like pop music at all, never…

SG : Can we expect a full album to follow up the single, “Royal Bitches”?
CLM : Yes, actually! Hahah!

SG : Nice! Nice! Talk about it!
CLM : It’s a new label from Universal, which is called LO Entertainment, and I have Barclay’s in publishing…

SG : Do you own your own publishing?!
CLM : No. I just get my fucking 8% ‘cause I don’t know how to make music, I am just singing it.

SG : Do you have your album title yet?
CLM : Yes, but I am not allowed to say actually. Hahahh.

SG : What can we expect from you in the near future with fashion, and will fashion always be involved?
CLM : I am opening a review show in Paris like a cabaret. Like the Crazy Horse (but) not the same. It’s called “The Gaze”. It was a movement in the 60’s. It was post feminism. It was when straight men used to go to see a show and see a vision of women which was very extreme. They would add phantasme (French. Fantasy), on (these) women, (but) not like normal women. Women with like 3 tits, or things like this. But because it’s a feminist movement, they (the men) had to punish themselves. (The men) They were so excited on seeing the women, they had big orgasms, but because it was post feminist movement, they were not allowed to have orgasms; the women want to punish them. The women want to be so strong. The men had to punish themselves in front of the women. So that was a whole movement called, “The Man Gaze”. It was a real movement. It was from ‘43 till the 70s I think…Scary, yeah.

SG : Is this a career, will you do this forever?
CLM : I don’t know. I will never retire. Horrible. So boring to retire.

SG : So it’s passion.
CLM : Of course!


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