All paintings : Hajime Sorayama (Used with permission)
Portrait of Sorayama : copyright by Hajime Sorayama courtesy of NANZUKA

Hajime Sorayama was having a solo exhibition at Jacob Lewis Gallery N.Y. at the time of this interview. For those who have seen his work it’s truly memorable, and for those that haven’t your missing out on a real one. This renowned illustrator/artist started his career in the 70’s, and his unique style has never been touched since. His sexy robots titillate to this day, looking as modern, or forward as ever. Sorayama is no spring chicken now, but he has an uncanny knack of knowing what is up with the youts today. Case in point his recent collaboration with Korea’s hottest menswear designer du jour, Juun J. Look even deeper to his earlier collaborations with street wear brands such as Stüssy, Marc Ecko, NIKE, British Knights, and skate-wear brand Dark Star. These heavy-hitters wanted to get down with Sorayama so you know what’s up!

<< English continues after Chinese >>

位於紐約的Jacob Lewis Gallery 近日正舉行日藉著名插畫師/ 藝術家空山基( Hajime Sorayama ) 的個人展覽。這位從上世紀七十年代已漸露頭角,今天已成為大師的藝術家,以繪畫造型性感的機械女郎而為人所熟悉。那些外表冰冷又性感的機械女郎,最早誕生自七十年代,卻沒有予人過時的感覺。空山基雖然不年輕卻緊貼潮流,並與時代同步。除了活躍藝術界,他更踏足時裝界,像今個秋冬他與炙手可熱的韓國男裝品牌Juun J. 合作,亦曾與街牌Stussy 、Marc Ecko 合作設計T 恤,為NIKE 、British Knights 、滑板品牌Dark Star 等這些街牌設計球鞋。他的作品橫跨不同時代,透過這些機械人畫作他向人們展現了自己眼中的未來世界。


像一般的男性,空山基對女性胴體發生興趣是在中學時期,那時他喜歡以《Playboy 》雜誌為靈感,繪畫在六十年代十分盛行的Pinup 性感風格畫作。直至1978 年,空山基受到當時他的朋友的邀請,為一個啤酒品牌繪畫機械女郎,自此他便停不下來,一直以機械女郎為作畫對象。而在八十年代,他為著名色情雜誌《Penthouse 》創作的連載作品,獨特的畫風在當年成為一時佳話。

除了他筆下的機械女郎及未來世界,在空山基的創作生涯中,曾參與過一些與科技等有關的工作。例如在八十年代,他參與了科幻cult 片《Braindead 》、《Time Cop 》的創作,其後他又為Sony 設計了機械狗AIBO ,AIBO 不但在2000 年獲得日本最高榮譽的設計獎項,更成為MOMA 的永久藏品。

除了以機械女郎為作畫對象,他的作品還包括半人半機械的性感女郎 ( Gynoid ) 和身穿性感衣飾的女性,而浮世繪、軍事、SM亦是他經常沿用的主題。他的作品雖然充滿魔幻感,但造型真實,鉛筆、丙烯酸漆及噴筆是他喜愛的工具。

空山基舉辦過多次個展,並推出了多本作品結集。他創作涉及的範疇廣泛,與他合作過的繼有美國著名漫畫社Marvel Comics 、迪士尼、《星球大戰》的導演George Lukas 、Aerosmith 等,都是業界一些首屈一指的名字。

SPITGAN : 你的作品無懈可擊,看起來是如此的真實,你在哪裡學畫的?
Hajime Sorayama : 我的作畫天份是與生俱來的,哈哈。

SG : 你在什麼時候戀上這些機械女郎?她們對你來說有什麼意義?
HS : 雖然我畫的是機器人但那不過是皮毛而已。我從小就是個金屬控!製造飛機用的硬鋁、日本刀、鍍鉻、不銹鋼工具等,這些金屬都能引起我的性慾,而且是性感的。

SG : 可以介紹一下她們嗎?她們來自什麼樣的世界?
HS : 畫機器人是從事廣告工作開始的。雖然小時候並沒有意識到這些機器人是性感的,但現在想來它們讓我蠢蠢欲動。

SG : 為什麼你不繪畫亞洲女性?
HS : 其實我一直有畫亞洲女性,而且畫了很多。

SG : 你覺得什麼最難繪畫?
HS : 只要我想畫的話沒有什麼可以難到我的,但我仍會繼續畫機械人、機器或者戀物癖之類的題材,甚至一些我還沒有見過的東西。

SG : 為什麼Pinup 對你來說如此重要?它怎樣影響著你的創作?
Hs : 我畫手繪美女招貼畫(Pinup girl )是作為男性的費洛蒙傳達資訊的能力,興趣自然是朝向異性的。而且從事自己喜歡的事並能有收入是幸福和幸運的。

SG : 你希望透過作品傳達什麼訊息?
HS : 這就是我的本質吧!與其說我想要傳達什麼,不如說是給粉絲們的娛樂吧。首先我就是我作品的頭號飯。

SG : 噴畫是否一種很難掌握的技巧?在今日這個電腦時代它是否已被逐漸淘汰?
HS : 噴畫對我來說沒有什麼難度。我認為電腦作畫和手繪是兩種完全不同的東西,憑空想像往往比真實會帶來更好的效果。

SG : 當年與《Penthouse 》的合作是如何開始的?當時讀者的反應如何?
HS : 當時應聘於洛杉磯的一間畫廊,作為簽約的一個條件是給《Penthouse 》和《Playboy 》做連載。從那時開始我付出了很多努力。

SG : 你兒時是否已對漫畫著迷?日本漫畫、美國漫畫在你成長過程中重要嗎?
HS : 不是!是在長大成人之後才開始學習、取材和選擇漫畫的。

SG : 那科幻電影呢?你是否科幻電影迷?
HS:《銀翼殺手》(Blade Runner )的人造人、《星球大戰》的聯合艦隊、《侏羅紀公園》的CG 與恐龍。還有BBC 的製作也是我的喜愛。

SG : 你在1990 年代曾參與科幻cult 片《Timecop》及Peter Jackson 的《Braindead》的製作,你當時擔當的是什麼角色?你喜歡電影工作嗎?
HS : 是最初收到電影公司的邀請。專案合作的方面我一直是受邀方,覺得自己作為邀請方並不是很擅長。

SG : 為什麼當時會有創作機械狗AIBO的想法?
HS : 要是有能讓自己的畫動起來的機會,不能做出讓人興奮的作品那還不如不做。有生以來感到最大的壓力是設計3D 可動的東西,但實際上是快樂和幸福的。那是我真正的青春。和工作人員一起,讓每個人發揮所長,這對我來說是種樂趣,也大量的釋放了我的多巴胺。不然20 、30 年一直做機器人是不可能的。

SG : 在2001 年你還替Aerosmith 設計畫過唱片封套!
HS:當時受到Aerosmith 的CD 製作的工作人員邀請。

HS:鄉村音樂、布魯斯、島唄(日本鹿兒島縣的傳統民謠)演歌、巴羅克音樂、雷鬼、拉丁音樂等,及支離滅裂(日本SEX-ANDROID 樂隊於1999 年發行的單曲)。

HS:Eric Patrick Clapton 。我覺得他是最性感的男歌手。

SG:你和Juun J. 的這次合作是如何開始的?
HS:是收到Juun.J 的邀請。因為是我30 年前作品的印象,所以不是很喜歡呢。

SG:你曾經和不少時裝品牌合作過,像Stussy 、British Knights 等,你自己本身是否很喜歡時裝?有沒有想過推出自己的品牌?

SG:你去年在香港舉辦的個展沿用了瑪麗蓮夢露的名句「演員不是機器,但他們卻把你看成是機器” 」(An Actress is not a machine but they treated you like a machine) 作為主題,背後你有什麼想表達的?
HS:我不知道。標題大概是畫廊製作人之後加上去的吧。結果是好的話那就OK 。榮譽是作家的,責任是工作人員的…

SG : 你現在還有一直在創作嗎?最近在忙什麼?你近期的作品有什麼變化?因為像是很久沒有看到你的最新作品了。
HS : 是的,我現在還是很努力地工作,因為我的代理畫廊迫得我很緊,哈哈。最近在忙著幾個項目,包括真人比例的機器人雕塑、與玩具商合作的項目,與服裝品牌的合作計劃,及我的新畫作的展覽。

HS:可能會有和Alan Chan 合作的機會,並預計在臺灣辦個展。畫畫以外的事我都是被動的一方。所以很羨慕其他多才多藝的藝人和藝術家。



HS:征服世界、後宮、熱帶植物園,沒有社會性的有能之士的資助人。我對所有的原理主義者(fundamentalism )很反感。


< < English continues below >>

Hajime Sorayama’s aribrushed paintings are some fine-ass celebrations of ‘the fairer sex’, and exposés of creative imagination. Perfectly proportioned, these reflective steel bodies are the stuff of sci-fi fantasy and urgent sexual desire.

Where do Sorayama eccentric tastes came from? Like most fellas, Sorayama’s fascination with the female body began in high school. Playboy was his inspiration. One of his favorite drawing styles was ‘Pinup’. In 1978, he was asked by his friend to draw a female robot for a beer ad, and so began his life long love affair with robot girls. In the 80s, he drew for “Penthouse” for few years, and his is hyper-realistic style got the world talking. Sorayama.

Besides working on prints, Sorayama does work in other fields. In the 90s, he was involved in movies, making the sci-fi cult classic, “Brainhead” with Peter Jackson, and “Timecop”. He also has worked with Sony on the creation of a robot dog, AIBO. AIBO won a most prestigeous design award in Japan, and it has become part of the permanent collection of MOMA.

Regardless of these forays, Sorayama is most famous for his drawings of women. Whether full on robots, “Gynoids”, a half human, half robot hybrid, or some of the finest women in flesh and blood ever committed to paper, he is a master of all of it. He mentions Ukiyo-e (a traditional Japanese drawing technique of ‘the floating world’), military weapons, and SM as his favorite topics. His style is full of fantasy but also hyper-realistic and flawless. Pencil, acrylic paint, airbrush are his favorite mediums.

Along with numerous solo exhibitions, Sorayama has published many books. His work zigzags across many different fields, and his partnerships are all the big names. Marvel Comics, Disney, Star Wars film director George Lucas, and Aerosmith, are just a few names who have commissioned him. So without further adieu, let’s see what the man himself would like to say, Mr. Hajime Sorayama.

SPITGAN : Technically your work is superb. Hyper realistic.
HAJIME SORAYAMA : I have a natural born talent of painting. Haha.

SPITGAN : When and why did you fall in love with robots? What do these robots mean to you?
HS : Although I draw robots, they are no different to me than flesh and blood. I was a robot freak since I was a kid. Metals such as aluminum, Japanese military knives, chrome plates, stainless steel tools etc…all can arouse my sexual desire, they are very sexy.

SG : What are the backgrounds of these robots, and could you please describe their world? Are these robots sex symbols to you?
HS : I started drawing robots when I was working in advertising industry. Although I didn’t realize robots are sexy, I found they always arouse me.

SG : Why don’t you draw any Asian women?
HS : I have painted many Asian women before and now.

SG : What subjects do you find personally challenging to draw?
HS : I can draw anything; what I want. I still keep on working on robots, machine or fetish. All what I’ve never seen yet.

SG : Why the ‘Pin up’ style and how did the ‘Pin up’ era influence your work?
HS : The reason I like drawing pinup girls is because they act like a pheromone to men. It’s an ability to convey their messages. To be able to earn a living from what I like is also very lucky and blessed.

SG : What do you want to convey with your work?
HS : This is like my nature! If you asked what do I try to convey, I would say it’s an entertainment to my fans.

SG : Is airbrush a very difficult technique to master? Is it becoming obsolete now with the computer?
HS : It was easy for me. I think it’s different to use the computer or hand painting. Since I know the imagination often makes for better results than what’s real.

SG : I know you had been drawing for Penthouse magazine back in the days, could you please tell us how did this collaboration come about? How did the readers react at the time? Then Playboy TV did a special about your art?
HS : I was employed by a gallery in Los Angeles back in the days, and one of the terms in the contract was to draw a series of illustrations for Penthouse and Playboy. That era was the beginning. It motivated me to put a lot of effort into my work.

SG : Did you grow up with Japanese or American comics? If yes, what are they?
HS : No. I took inspiration from comics later, when I grew up.

SG : Are you a big fan of Sci-fi movies/fictions? Could you please name a few you love?
Bladerunner, Star Wars, Jurassic Park’s CG dinosaurs and all BBC productions are my favorites.

SG : Note you also were involved in a few Sci-fi movies like Peter Jackson’s “Brain Dead” and “Timecop” in the 90’s. What were those collaborations about, and how did you enjoy being in the movie industry? What was your role on these films?
HS : I was invited by the movie company. I am always the passive one, I am not good at proposing myself to others.

SG : What made you to come up an idea to create AIBO and switch from robot women to robot pets at the time? Share with us the story behind it.
HS : There was a chance for me to give life to my work, to make it move. If I can’t create something exciting for others, I’d rather not do it. That project was the most pressure I have ever encountered design something. It was 3D and movable, tough, but at the same time it was very enjoyable. That was my youth! Working with my team, collaborating, and let them express their talent, was most enjoyable to me. It was also a great dopamine release! Without those it would be very difficult to work on robots for 20 to 30 years.

SG : How did the collaboration with Aerosmith happen in 2001? Have you done any other CD album covers since?
HS : Yes, I was invited by the crew from the band.

SG : Is music a big influence to you? What kind of music do you like? Could you please share your music playlist with us?
HS : Country music. Blues. SHIAM UTA (folk songs from Okinawa), Baroque music, Reggae, Latin music, and a song called “支離滅裂” from the Japanese band, SEX ANDROID, which was released in 1999.

SG : Who is the favorite artist of all time?
HS : Eric Patrick Clapton. I think he is the sexiest male singer in the world.

SG : How did the collaboration with Juun J come about?
HS : I was invited by Juun J. That was my work from 30 years ago, I don’t really like it.

SG : I know you have also collaborated with some other fashion brands such as Stüssy, British Knights. Do you like fashion and have you ever thought of creating a fashion line?
HS : In terms of fashion I am like an outsider. I don’t really have any feelings towards it and I don’t have that talent. So I wouldn’t consider doing that.

SG : The title of the exhibition in Hong Kong was taken from Marilyn Monroe’s famous quote, “An actress is not a machine but they treated you like a machine.” What’s the message behind that?
HS : I don’t know. I think the title was added by the people from the gallery. If the outcome is good, then it’s ok. At the end the credit always goes to the artist, but people from the production have to take the responsibilities, not me.

SG : Do you have any plans for China? I am sure people are dying to see your work here!
HS : There may be a chance to work with HK designer Alan Chan, and at the end of this year I will have an exhibition in Taiwan. Besides drawing I am very passive. I admire people who are multi-talented.

SG : What experiences have made you the person you now?
HS : Believe in yourself, no matter what others say. Stick with your faith. I believe in this, which is probably where my stubbornness comes from.

SG : What do you think you would do if you were not doing what you do now?
HS : Conquer the world, have a harem and a tropical zoo. I want to support unknown talents, talents that haven’t had a chance to shine. I hate people stuck in traditional ways of thinking, and unwilling to change.

SG : What is your motto?
HS : Even if I am living a regular, uneventful life, I would never pretend to be someone I am not, or put on airs. Being at the top is my ideal living attitude, and I am slowly walking towards that direction.

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