如果女朋友想要iphone x 但又未儲夠錢…買個盒望梅止渴吧!

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Oh the lengths we go for you, our readers. Where o’ where art thous? Anyways. We are at our local quicky mart and I see upon this, apple vinegar in a can! I am a huge vinegar fan. I drown wonton noodles in it, dip dim sum in it, drench fries, its all good. So I see this and I’m all in. Even the owner at the counter says its her favorite drink with hotpot! She’s got clout with me so I don’t hesitate. I will divest that when I tried this drink I was zooted but damn! This tasted like I was drinking white vinegar with a splash of apple flavoring. This is intense! For a self-proclaimed connaisseur this was going in deep. I wasn’t ready. This broke me off something fierce. Its not for me. Definitely an acquired taste. Strong, sour, I can’t even remember if it was carbonated. I deaded this not even half way and that was soldiering hard.