微電影的熱潮席捲全球,不少品牌選擇這種方式演繹他們最新的系列及品牌形象。這次由老佛爺Karl Lagerfeld親身執導的微電影《INVITO PERICOLOSO》邀請了老佛爺的寵兒Cara Delevingne 和荷蘭名模Saskia de Brauw一同演出。由於這季Fendi主打是皮草,所以在電影中可以看到主角身穿這季Fendi不同款式的皮草。眾所周知老佛爺對攝影的熱愛和對時裝設計熱愛程度不相上下,看到這次拍攝的角度及音效營造了懸疑及神秘的感受,可見老佛爺對拍攝執導的技巧又更進一步。拍攝的同行小心!Karl Lagerfeld來了!

Looks like fashion is really starting to explore the possibilities of film now; excellent. Do you like scary movies? Suspense? None other than Karl Lagerfeld delivers a short film for the House of Fendi, playing with the emotions of horror and fear. To my knowledge the first fashion film I’ve seen exploring a darker narrative. The initial excitement of the film doesn’t carry though and by midpoint it clearly begins to lag. Perhaps there is a sequel or part deux?