SUN=SEN是一個你看過不會忘記的香港本地品牌。因為他們的形象風格很是鮮明,衣服上一些奇怪又可愛的細節總是吸引著我們的眼球。這一季的FW18他們就用上當鋪當「當嬰兒」的傳統作靈感,然後我們就大膽的用他們這個想法發展了一個「與神交易」的時裝展示。很高興我們這個瘋狂的想法得到SUN=SEN的設計師和我們的朋友KAMP Studios 的Daniel 支持,他為我們做了一個充滿幻想的場境。岩石、鏡子、玻璃、一些自然而生的物料都用在這裡,那些彎曲的鏡子照著前面一個個有慾望的模特兒們。他們都等候著那「女神」的出現改變他們的生活。最後這班模特居然為了一己私慾帶走了一個現場觀眾當祭品呢(但我不知道她為什麼那麼高興…)!一場表演8種不同個性展示著SUN=SEN的設計的無限可能。那你完全想不到的充氣口袋、潛水帽子……去實際了解一下他們天馬行空的奇怪想法吧。

Do you believe in the Chinese ritual of ‘selling’ your baby to a pawn shop to ensure it’s health? SUN=SEN’s FW18 collection found inspiration from this traditional premise, and damn did we have a time trying to interpret it in some way! By recruiting some help from our good friend Daniel Kamp of KAMP Studios we decorated the set with natural objects, rocks, mixed with manufactured objects, mirrors, and panes of glass to speak to this polarity of an idea. The presentation centered around a ‘goddess’ type figure. A figure if the other models could please would receive the gift of the life they desired! How about them apples! It all came together rather well. To the clothing itself, SUN=SEN’s collection for AW18 continued their interest in bright colors and their combinations. Interesting details included blow up plastic pouches and pockets worked into clothing. The quirkiness and strange irregularity really works for us and has drawn them due international attention. A truly original brand that works along the lines of a Bernard Wilhelm, we have great expectations for their imminent success!

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我們終於能夠與我們的朋友,香港設計師YC楊展合作了!他用了一個怪異的電影作為靈感設計了這一場時裝表演。這是一個我們不太熟悉的風格,他向我們介紹了這個日本導演Shije Terayama。無論如何那天我們將PMQ反轉了:那個細小的房間中我們阻擋了所有光源,令視覺上的一切都是強烈的顏色和黑暗的互相糾纏。包括一個Shibari表演也是在這令人不安的黑暗中發生的。當中似乎有個「話事人」,所以人都要跟隨他的指示。但「話事人」後面還有一個「話事人」…當中12個模特兒有的被人騷擾著、有的裸體。房中很侷促,應該是個人人都想離開的地方但觀眾卻不停地進入了解這看來變態的表演(還有人帶小朋友…)。這就是我們最想看到的畫面,震驚著來PMQ的你,開放的去欣賞我們的創意。

Yes we were finally able to collaborate with our friend and HK designer, Yeung Chin. And what a collaboration it was! A short, bizarre movie was the inspiration behind the show. YC introduced me to a Japanese director, Shije Terayama, who’s work I was not familiar with. It was a surreal piece, at turns erotic, and just plain bugged out. Visually it was heavily color gelled, and we took those 2 pieces as starting points. Well 3, surreal, erotic, and colorful. What manifested was a performance piece the likes of which PMQ had never seen! It included wild characters, and a Shibari performance, all in a dark, yet colorful room that barely fit the performers! It was hot, crammed, and a challenge for the audience. Just the way we wanted it! Really enjoyed the fact that fashion stereotypes were challenged. Specifically body forms and traditional concepts of beauty. Also, it was a pleasant surprise to see an audience from all walks of life, nationality, and age, be open-minded and appreciative of the piece! Onwards and upwards YC!

Photos by : Ric So and Ronnie Yeoh

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FIRST LOOK 2 FASHION WEEK 6天活動的最後一幕是香港理工大學製衣及紡織學系(MA)同學和愛沙尼亞設計學院的合作項目作結。這是一個狀觀、令人驚訝的系列,宏偉的創意系列全部由中國木製風扇構成。我可以說這些作品的相片不足以震驚你們,等著我們的影片吧!他看起來像一些大鳥、孔雀…你想不到的是他們都很容易穿著和移動。為香港未來的創意人材歡呼吧!

The grand finale for the FIRST LOOK 2 Gala Show was reserved for the spectacular collection of the Poly U Masters Program X The Estonia Academy. The fruits of labor from an exchange program earlier in the year, this magnificent creative collection was constructed all with Chinese wooden fans. What made it more excptional were that many of the creations were functional. In a way, 2D photos don’t do these pieces justice so you will have to wait for the show video. A personal favorite was the finale finale piece that looked like some magnificent bird or peacock. It moved well and was surprisingly robust for all its bulk! More of this Hong Kong. Cheers to HK’s future. It looks like it’s in good hands!

Runway Photos : Falcon Lam / Top Banner : Rick So

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可能你看不出來,這次FIRST LOOK 2 GALA SHOW有幾個剛起步的品牌,NOWHERELSE便是其中一個香港男裝品牌。一個緊湊而簡潔的系列,這個FW18的色調是偏暗的,其中包括運動裝飾品。這是一個易於配搭又不失風格的系列。如果你有時間應該要看看他們的內容!

Yes NOWHERELSE! Finally a true menswear brand to grace our catwalk and fashion event! NOWHERELSE is a brand in it’s nascence, but with no lack of vision or creative direction. A tight, concise collection was presented at the FIRST LOOK 2 Gala Show comprising of sportswear staples with twists to be found in the details. The palette was predominantly dark but sure acceptable for a FW18 collection. We particularly liked the vest combo and the closing look of the presentation, the nylon grey top. The pieces are ideal for mixing and matching, perfect for any modern wardrobe. A highly wearable collection of cool we think highly of! Salute!

Runway Photos : Falcon Lam / Top Banner : Rick So

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Meraki的袋第一次在FIRST LOOK FASHION WEEK中展示。他們獨一無二的袋是由印度藝術家親手繪制的。他們不止有晚裝木盒袋,還有背包、tote bag等等… 設計圖形豐富多彩,在纖細的模特身材中脫穎而出。 Meraki還會為其客戶提升手提包,我們很自豪能支持他們的發展。他們的服裝和小皮具即將推出,要繼續留意阿!!

Meraki’s handbags made a triumphant debut in the FIRST LOOK 2 Gala show. Their one-of-a-kind handbags, painted by Indian artists, were shown in all their creative variations from backpacks, large day purses, to evening clutches. The designs were graphic and colorful and stood out on slim figures of the models, some carrying more than one. Meraki also upcycles handbags for it’s clients and we are proud to support their initiatives. We understand clothing and small leather goods are coming soon. Watch out!

Runway Photos : Falcon Lam / Top Banner :

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