IT公司旗下品牌CHOCOOLATE最受瞩目的部分之一,恕我的愚见,是他们的广告宣传。利用光滑图像的从众心理而大胆地选择使用动画/插图,本季CHOCOOLATE力邀TheBruce Wayne超人成为了系列封面。为什么Bruce Wayne会接受这份邀请?虚荣?因为显然,经济不列入考虑范围。不管怎样吧!一位诚实的超级英雄在任何时候都不亚于超模的影响力。
One of the best things about I.T.’s in-house brand, Chocoolate, in our humble opinion, has always been the advertising campaigns. Bravely choosing to use animation/illustration over the herd mentality of slick images, this season Chocoolate has invited THE Bruce Wayne to be the face of the collection. Why would Bruce want to do it? Vanity? Clearly money wasn’t an issue. Anyways kudos! A bonafide superhero trumps a supermodel any day.