Horrible is still news right? NSFW, Rated Disturbed, 18+, Paul’s Corner!
Filed Under: Dailies, New Goods, PAUL'S CORNER, TOP_BANNER Tagged With: A++, babes, baseball, boats, books, bullets, C++, C3P0, Canadians, cats, charger, cheerleaders, chicks, coolness, couples, Death Star, dogs, Dr. Pepper, Evil jokes, fall, fish, flowers, George Bush Sr., gifs, Goa Way, herbs, high, home hacks, kicks, Kramer, ladders, laughs, lesbian twins, meats, middle finger, Otters, Paul's Corner, rated disturbed, roast, robbery, Ron Jeremy, Satellites, shaking, skateboarding, smoking, Space, sportscars, Star Wars, tanlines, Texas Texans, The Internets, The Queen of England, tits, Tool Chest, vinyl, wine racks, zoo