是的,你可能會說“James Blake?不是有點晚嗎?”但請細心想一想,有時間限制的style (這裡指個人風格),那變相不就是一幫跟風的biter?在Spitgan的詞彙裡,那就是坊間所謂的fashionistas,流行甚麼便穿甚麼、毫無個性可言的時裝笨蛋。在演唱會當晚,我們找來一些擁有個性的粉絲拍照,他們比在時裝秀場上拼了老命演繹時尚的時裝笨蛋更有個人風格,時尚其實很簡單……
So we admittedly a bit late with this but style is eternal right? What is stylish if it doesn’t stand the test of time? Anyways we were privileged to attend the James Blake concert in Kowloon Bay, put on by Hong Kong’s very own, Your Mum, and took a few snaps along the way. Check the music afficionados in attendance!