Of course a great effort was put forth, without a doubt. Upon closer inspection I feel there was strong innovation from the textile designs, which might have gone unnoticed by most. It was dissappointing to see that my favorite 2 collections also did not make the graduate show. I guess why we are the critics and they are the professors! Regardless best of luck in the near future to the class of 17 and may your creativity compel you to success! SPITGAN is watching!
第一個是Dale To的Moth,雪紡印上橫間,透視入面的直間恤衫,從而產生少許模糊的視覺效果。拼接格仔和和直間的上衣產生對比,看久了可能會有點頭暈,哈哈!另一個是Fa Leung的Conceal掩飾。如果你當日在場,肯定記得頭頂燈罩的這個系列。我特別喜歡他重新演譯了日本和服的感覺,由其那對「4腳鞋」。還有一個John Ng的Mismatch。將西裝當下身或許是個old story,但我喜歡再加上超高腰吊帶褲的男子,好像英國那些年老紳士般,高貴、成熟、優雅。特別一提他用的布料品質很好,是眾多系列中最讓我留意到的。