Let the good times roll! Summer in effect and Paul’s Corner is back. We didn’t go nowhere we just wanted to give you some time to digest all the goodness! As disturbed as possible, 18+. It will rot your mind!
Filed Under: PAUL'S CORNER, TOP_BANNER Tagged With: Arnold Schwarzenegger, ass, babes, bad jokes, basketball, Boeing 777, boobs, Booty, bumper stickers, butt crack, camels, cartoons, chalk, Chef, chicks, chromosomes, Cinnamon Rolls, coaches, drugs, elephant, evil laughs, fashion, filet, George Washington, girls, golf, gym, hockey, Japanese girls, jeans, KFC, kicks, Malaysia Airlines, nature, Paul's Corner, pool stick, Putin, salmon, sand, selfies, Seven Dwarfs, sexy, smoking, SPITGAN, squat, strippers, swimsuits, The Internets, Tom & Jerry, tops, toys, twisted humor, underwater, uniform, waffles, wants, waterfalls, wave
Yep you know it! It’s arrived like Christmas! Paul’s Corner as disturbed and NSFW as you can take!
Filed Under: Dailies, New Goods, PAUL'S CORNER, TOP_BANNER Tagged With: aerial view, bad jokes, blondes, bodypaint, boobs, bottles, Bruce Lee, bulge, burgers, butts, candles, cd's, Chuck Norris, Chuck Taylors, cooking, costumes, dance, discipline, evil laughs, fight, Girl, Gremlins, hockey, hotties, houses, instruments, kids, Lightning, logging, milk, miniskirts, Muhammed Ali, nudists, Obama, panties, Paul's Corner, phones, Pinky Queen, rainbows, Rob Ford, Robert Downey Jr., rules, selfies, sexy, shopping, SPITGAN, stunts, success, supergirl, The Internets, thumbs, twisted humor, walrus, women, Wonderwoman
Twisted, bent, lit. All the way up for a Sunday. Keep jammin’. Paul’s Corner you know the drill. Sunday funnies courtesy of the Internet. Rated Disturbed. NSFW or adolecent minds.
Filed Under: Dailies, New Goods, PAUL'S CORNER, TOP_BANNER Tagged With: AMG, asian chick, babes, baby, bad jokes, bedroom, Bill Clinton, Bill Gates, body suit, book case, Breaking Bad, bukkake, bunt, butts, car crash, Chanel, chicks, Christopher Walken, cool, Daniel, Eli Manning, evil laughs, Frlse, gams, Garfield, garter, Geraldo, gifs, hockey, hotties, houses, Hublot, Humor, John, license plate, mountain, Nicholas Cage, nipple, opium, painting, Patrick Kane, Paul's Corner, pink, priest, Samuel L. Jackson, selfies, sex toys, skeleton, skull and bones, style, swimsuit, t-shirt, the beach, The Internets, Trans Am, twerk, USA, Vodka
Oh the visual sludge keeps a steady cummin’. Paul’s Corner. Rated Disturbed. 18+. The mind boggles.
Filed Under: Dailies, New Goods, PAUL'S CORNER, TOP_BANNER Tagged With: Andre Drummond, architecture, babe, bad jokes, Boo, bunnies, butt stabber, butts, cats, chains, Coke, costumes, crime, dancing, Dankies, dicks, elephants, evil laughs, fireworks, french kiss, gifs, Girl, glass, hockey, hottie, Humor, Jesus Christ, jokes, Liam Neeson, microwaves, Olivia Wilde, Optimus Prime, Paul's Corner, Pepsi, pompidour, Pornhub, selfie, sexy, sperm bank, squid, Star Wars, sunsets, tacos, teeth, The Internets, The Kills, vacuums, Victoria's Secret, washrooms, weapons, wheelbarrow fail, Windows 8.1, WTFery
Our version of Sunday comics, Paul’s Corner. Disturbed as all F. +21 might not even cut it.
Filed Under: Dailies, New Goods, PAUL'S CORNER, TOP_BANNER Tagged With: architecture, baseball, bats, bikinis, chicks, Clockwork Orange, cosmonaut, crowns, dog, dogs, Don Cherry, drums, evil laughs, expressions, fans, fighter jets, Fred Astaire, Game of Thrones, girls, good times, happy face, hockey, hotties, houses, Iggy Pop, Jim Carrey, jokes, kids, MAC, Marco Polo, marijuana plants, Marxist Utopia, models, nature, Nicholas Cage, pools, sharks, suits, The Internets, The Justice League, The Walking Dead, toucan, troops, urine test, views, washroom stalls, welfare