Welcome to the SPITGAN fam, DJ Raahil! We thought we would flex our musical muscles and bring in some big guns to show you there’s a lot of flavor out there! Hong Kong’s DJ Raahil is one fine Bollywood DJ, and we reached out to ask him to spice up our monthly Music Is Playing residency! Homeboy has performed at some of the biggest Indian events in Asia including the Dabangg Tour, IIFA Awards and Zee Cine Awards, and has played alongside esteemed celebrity artists like Meet Bros, Neha Kakkar, DJ Aqeel and Sukhbir. What you know!

DJ Raahil has also had the privilege to perform in Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, London, Macau & China. So make sure to check him when he comes to your town!

Check him on all social media under DJ Raahil. A direct link to his Facebook here : www.facebook.com/djraahil

Mercy – Badshah

A Zelia Man production.


Jennifer wears 連身套裝/jumpsuit – Maison Margiela MM6

Photos : Nick D for precursorprints.com
Translation : Lil Fly aka Caroline Chan
Model : Jennifer Nguyen _jenuinelove
Assist : Jose Chu, Kammy Kam

Shibari means “to tie” in Japanese. The word has now been co-opted to describe the artistic Japanese style of rope bondage. A girl in Hong Kong has been making headway in this artform and it was time to talk to her about her burgeoning talent. It was time to satisfy our sexual urges and ask her to explain what she was doing, and what we are looking at. Let’s break bread with Ms. Subay Kinbaku.


日文 Shibari 有“綑綁”的意思。這個詞彙現今泛指日式繩縛美學。而在香港,有位女士在這個藝術平台開始取得穩步進展。我們找來她介紹一下這個特別的藝術,以滿足我們的性慾望之餘,更了解一下她從事的到底是什麼,我們欣賞的又是什麼。現在有請Subay Kinbaku 小姐。

SPITGAN : 你好,Subay, 請你說一下你在做的是什麼。
Subay Kinbaku : 我是一位駐港的Shibari藝術家,亦視自己為一位表演及教育者。我大約在兩年前開始舉辦Shibari的活動;由於舉辦Shibari活動的場地比較難找,於是我在一年前開了一間專為Shibari而設的工作室。我曾在香港及國際等地演出,而在香港舉辦的活動大都是表演同工作坊。但我最希望的是教育群眾有關Shibari的文化而不是想成名,於是最近我決定退出舉辦活動這個範疇,並專注在商業計劃上面,這個我等一下再解釋。

SP : 為什麼要退休?這個對我來說是新聞。
SK : 過去兩年,我花了很多時間及心血去教育圈內甚至圈外人,但到最後發現要改變一個人的觀念好難,開始讓我感到挫折。在圈內有太多drama,有些人只想藉著這種藝術去出名或者引人注目。我覺得這扭曲了藝術的原意。對我來說,Shibari不只是一種身體的狀態,或者兩個人的連繫。最重要的是個人思想及態度。我覺得時常保持謙虛的心非常重要,這是我在日本學習時的領會。它有點像柔道,練習時要帶有非常純潔的心,而我覺得好多人都欠缺。這開始令我非常反感。

SP : 你覺得這種態度只會在香港出現,還是到處都是?
SK : 我覺得好多國家都有這個問題。只是在香港群眾沒有接受太多有關Shibari的教育。完全了解的人和那些自以為了解、但其實並不的人的比率很不平均。

SP : 是什麼令你對Shibari產生興趣?
SK : 四年前因為BDSM我發現了Shibari。哈哈。四年前的我真的好無聊,所以開始上網找一些BDSM的聚會…

SP : 什麼是BDSM?
SK : BDSM是綁縛與性調教的縮寫(Bondage & Discipline,即B/D),支配與臣服(Dominance & Submission,即D/S),施虐與受虐(Sadism & Masochism,即S/M)。開始時我只對這個有興趣,並沒有聽過繩索同束縛。我會稱它比較像用手銬、皮鞭等等的東西。我在其中一個聚會中遇到一對對Shibari好有興趣的情侶,並開始當他們Shibari的模特兒。而開始學繩綁其實是因為一場意外所至:有個美國人想在香港舉辦一場繩綁工作坊,當時我好有興趣當他的模特兒,於是向他自薦。當時他說了一些像「你不夠漂亮, 又不纖瘦,我也不覺得你有吸引力,為什麼我要綁你?」 因為他的話我當時很不開心,於是我決定開始學。首先是因為我想可以自己綁起自己,其次我想讓人知道這種藝術不一定要自我。所以開始的時候我嘗試了很多自體懸吊法,亦去了美國同英國等地參與一些活動。但其實當我去日本上課的時候,才算真正開始學習。

SP : 去日本跟日本人學習這個,對你來說是否重要?
SK : 是的,因為真的有很大的分別。在西方,他們只會專注在安全性和形式,及怎樣去綁等。在日本他們反而更關心的是你能否透過繩去達成某種連繫。

SP : 這個很有趣,原來在不同地方,有不同的專注點。
SK : 其實現在很多西方國家開始明白日本所著重的連繫的重要性。亦都開始在教學的時候包含這個元素。

SP : 所以連繫本身並非西方國家風格的主要部份?
SK : 我會說不是。舉個例子,現在在倫敦同巴黎,甚至其他比較大的城市,有比較多的群眾。好多人會去日本然後將日本的元素帶回自己的國家。但還是有好多其他地方未受日本影響,他們要不做一些混合的風格,要不完全受西方風格影響,像會用繩去編織。

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Welcome to the SPITGAN fam, DJ Raahil! We thought we would flex our musical muscles and bring in some big guns to show you there’s a lot of flavor out there! Hong Kong’s DJ Raahil is one fine Bollywood DJ, and we reached out to ask him to spice up our monthly Music Is Playing residency! Homeboy has performed at some of the biggest Indian events in Asia including the Dabangg Tour, IIFA Awards and Zee Cine Awards, and has played alongside esteemed celebrity artists like Meet Bros, Neha Kakkar, DJ Aqeel and Sukhbir. What you know!

DJ Raahil has also had the privilege to perform in Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, London, Macau & China. So make sure to check him when he comes to your town!

Check him on all social media under DJ Raahil. A direct link to his Facebook here : www.facebook.com/djraahil

Move Your Lakk – Noor

A Zelia Man production.


Welcome to the SPITGAN fam, DJ Raahil! We thought we would flex our musical muscles and bring in some big guns to show you there’s a lot of flavor out there! Hong Kong’s DJ Raahil is one fine Bollywood DJ, and we reached out to ask him to spice up our monthly Music Is Playing residency! Homeboy has performed at some of the biggest Indian events in Asia including the Dabangg Tour, IIFA Awards and Zee Cine Awards, and has played alongside esteemed celebrity artists like Meet Bros, Neha Kakkar, DJ Aqeel and Sukhbir. What you know!

DJ Raahil has also had the privilege to perform in Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, London, Macau & China. So make sure to check him when he comes to your town!

Check him on all social media under DJ Raahil. A direct link to his Facebook here : www.facebook.com/djraahil

Tamma Tamma Again – Badri Ki Dulhania

A Zelia Man production.


Welcome to the SPITGAN fam, DJ Raahil! We thought we would flex our musical muscles and bring in some big guns to show you there’s a lot of flavor out there! Hong Kong’s DJ Raahil is one fine Bollywood DJ, and we reached out to ask him to spice up our monthly Music Is Playing residency! Homeboy has performed at some of the biggest Indian events in Asia including the Dabangg Tour, IIFA Awards and Zee Cine Awards, and has played alongside esteemed celebrity artists like Meet Bros, Neha Kakkar, DJ Aqeel and Sukhbir. What you know!

DJ Raahil has also had the privilege to perform in Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, London, Macau & China. So make sure to check him when he comes to your town!

Check him on all social media under DJ Raahil. A direct link to his Facebook here : www.facebook.com/djraahil

Kar Gayi Chull – Kapoor & Sons

A Zelia Man production.