Lady Gaga 的形象一向都是極受批評的,而她前造型師Nicola Formichetti說不夠時間為Lady Gaga準備衣服,因1天要準備12至13套衣服給她準備,所以辭去她的造型師職務。最近她離開酒店時,身穿John Galliano 2003秋冬系列和加上一個巨型頭飾。對於她穿John Galliano過季的服裝對沒有任何意見,並值得讚揚,因為一些好的設計不是受時間限制,是可以再穿的,而John Galliano不得不說是一位鬼材,Lady Gaga多次在一些公開場合穿著過季的John Galliano衣服,是為支持他設計方面,而希望大眾再接受他。
We could spend the efforts of this entire magazine covering the exploits of Lady Gaga. I guess that would be fashion-wise. How many outfit changes does she do a day? At least 4 or something? Anyways I guess there is a philosophy behind it but I got more selfish interests to pursue. This one though?! WTF? Ok so you got some John Galliano piece on, but what is this fuzzy, oversized, inverted purse on your head? Hahah, awesome. I got to say though if your ‘fashion outfit’ requires assistance from another person to be able to parade around that’s overboard. Maybe this gent should be dressed in the theme too since he is essential to it. Anyways back to your regular scheduled programming.