Paul’s Corner. August 19, 2018. The lastest and freshest produce culled from the Internets. Appearances by : Kim Jong-Un, bimbos, even Republican Jesus! Rated disturbed, addictive and NSFW.
Filed Under: MAGAZINE, PAUL'S CORNER, TOP_BANNER Tagged With: art, asian babe, babes, bad jokes, banana, Barbie, Beach, beach bod, beef, blondes, boobs, brunettes, concert, crowd surfing, dick, dogs, Doritos, drink, education, evil laughs, G-string, graffiti, guns, haircut, handicapped, hoes, hotties, inbox, Jackie Chan, Kim Jong-un, life, magazine, marijuana, monkey, mushroom cloud, newspapers, no nothing, nudes, Paul's Corner, penis, phones, poor, prime, Republican Jesus, school girls, sculpture, selfie, sexy, sign, sluts, snow, spam, SPITGAN, stockings, street art, swimsuits, The Internets, titties, twerk, twisted humor, Two Springs Elementary School, waterfall, wet
Oh Paul’s Corner. Where your web browser is really a portal to Hell. Rated Disturbed, 18+, and unless you work on a porn set probably NSFW.
Filed Under: PAUL'S CORNER, TOP_BANNER Tagged With: apple juice, art, babes, baby, bad jokes, Beach, beer, bikinis, boobs, Brett Farve, butts, candles, car accident, car chases, card tricks, CD, cheerleaders, chicks, contraceptive pills, Cosby Sweater, costumes, cream, dancing, dogs, Donald Sterling, evil laughs, exercise, Feminism, figurine, freedom, girls, glacier, handstands, hotties, ice, Jesus, Karlie Kloss, kids, Kim Jong-un, leotards, Maaatt Daamon, mashed potato, model, models, monkeys, moon rover, neon, Netflix, NHL, no, Obamas, panties, Paul's Corner, politicians, questions, racist, right thing, Runway, selfies, shadows, snake boots, Soulja Boy, SPITGAN, staff photos, stars, statue, Steve Harvey, students, teachers, The Internets, titties, toy, twisted humor, Unbreakable, Wine, yes
Did you take a wrong turn? Witness the roadside horror show that is Paul’s Corner. +18. Disturbed and Not Suitable Any Time.
Filed Under: PAUL'S CORNER, TOP_BANNER Tagged With: aircraft carriers, babes, bad humor, baseball practice, bombs, boobs, bridge demolition, bust-a-nut, calories, camels, car keys, cars, castles, chess, chicks, choppers, debris, Dr. Pepper, evil laughs, exercise, fashion, fighter jets, fireballs, George Clooney, gifs, guns, gyms, hair, heights, Hello Kitty, horses, jokes, Kim Jong-un, make it rain, Megadeth, Minnie Mouse, monkeys, neutered dogs, nosepickers, place settings, play dead, Probus, pyramids, rodeo, slut, stares, strippers, suicide numbers, tents, that one guy, The Internets, tongues, topless, towel poncho, watches
Need assurance the world is going to hell? Paul’s Corner. Disturbed. Plus 18. NSFW just NS.
Filed Under: PAUL'S CORNER, TOP_BANNER Tagged With: 1990, 2013, 70's chicks, Albert Einstein, Alpha Romeo, animals, archives, arrest, babes, bad humor, ballin', beanies, bears, bike accidents, Bill Murray, blondes, Brittany Spear, brushing teeth, Bryant Gumble, burgers, calculus, chicks, dance, Ernie Johnson, evil laughs, execution, favelas, fist bump, fridges, George Carlin, glasses, Google search engine, hairdos, heights, heyyyy, ironing, Jack Nicholson, jokes, Justin Bieber, kettles, Kim Jong-un, kitchen, laziness, lazy dog, level 62, Madonna, North Koreans, Ozzy Osborne, party, Penelope Cruz, photoshop, pig robbers, planes, Pope, rims, skies, smoke, soccer, society, spandex, strippers, sunbathers, sunshine, superheroes, Superman, tattoos, team USA, terrible situations, The Internets, Trailer Park Boys, trees, video games, views, Wonderwoman, Zombieland
Filed Under: Dailies, PAUL'S CORNER, TOP_BANNER Tagged With: 9/11, accidents, alcoholics, altar boy, babes, basketball, bazookas, boobs, bug sex, bullets, butt tattoos, campers, chats, chicks, Clintons, Darwin, dog, driving, Eiffel Tower, escalators, evil laughs, fireplace, Gameboy, Gandalf, gifs, girls, Girls Gone Wild, hockey, horseback riding, Humor, interiors, iPad, Jesus, jokes, Kim Jong-un, laundry, LM V12, Lord of the Rings, memes, MicroSD, naked, Obama, Pampers, Paul's Corner, Peter Jackson, planes, puck to the face, Pythagoras, Samuel L. Jackson, Sauron, skateboarding, slut, soldiers, sports cars, storage, stupid, sunsets, tests, Tetris, The Internets, trippin, twin towers, Watkins roofing, weed, weightlifting, wheelbarrow