The power of Lady Dior is powerful indeed! Marion Cotillard and John Cameron Mitchell, a great team weaving fashion magic!
Writer EN/CN – Serruria
從IFC望出去看海,就會見到一個龐然大物出現在中環四號碼頭頂上。對,中環碼頭天台上有一隻巨型Lady Dior袋子橫睡著,晚上袋子的藤格紋還會有LED 亮燈。這就是“Lady Dior As Seen By”的展覽場地。作為巡遊展覽,它已經去過Sao Paolo、Milan、上海等等。現在來到香港了,沒有理由不去吧?!免費展覽喔!
Looking out of the IFC, for a peep of sea view, one can see an odd object lying on the roof of pier number 4. Yes, on top of a pier, there sits a gigantic Lady Dior bag, with glowing LED cannage pattern at night. This is the ‘Lady As Seen By’ exhibition. It has travelled around the world. Sao Paulo, Milan, Shanghai, to name but a few. Now that it’s in Hong Kong, there’s no excuse to miss it. It’s free!
(English continued after Chinese)
上了三層梯級後,眼前就是那個巨型袋子。Lady Dior袋子、袋子上的lucky charms和紮實的手柄結構都非常吸引目光兩個衣著醒目的男生替我開了那刷白的門,用英文歡迎來賓“Welcome to Lady Dior As Seen By”。涼快的場地放置著上百件藝術品,全由世界各地的當代藝術家所做,全部也用Lady Dior包包做靈感。藝術品旁沒有太多的資料,幸好場內漂亮的黑衣Narrators很主動地幫忙解說。
Gregor Hildebrandt,德國藝術家,他選擇了V H S和卡式帶的帶子來覆蓋包包。原來他用了Hitchcock的Vertigo來覆蓋前後兩面,傍邊則用了Garbage樂隊的歌“To Die For”。如果我沒有事事詢問Narrators我那會知道啊?Google一下藝術家的大名真的有助你了解更多,如果你不熟他們的話。去Google Tim Gutt、Tim Walker、Peter Lindbergh看看!