毒品/LEBRON 11 2K14



據可靠消息稱,為紀念NBA熱浪小皇帝LeBron James成為NBA 2k14遊戲巨作封面“明星”而打造的LeBron 11令無數鞋迷為之神魂顛倒。也有非可靠消息稱,LeBron本人並不十分鐘意這款球鞋,似乎是太輕了還是怎麼的。經過幾番醞釀以及數次調整之後,除了能夠凸顯OG年代王者風範的配色之外,其餘部分的設計沒有一處能夠與邁阿密海灘,東岸全明星一貫的風格掛鉤。一般來說,市面上我們見到听闻的球鞋一雙難求,要不是專業人士根本想都別想,我說的專業,不是指你攢了大半年積蓄高價買到手的那種(當然如果真是那種也很讚),而是真正在擁有籃球運動員協會通行證的職業選手才能買到的。已經蠢蠢欲動了嗎?但是在你到專賣店門口大排長龍,熬夜支帳篷之前必須先閱讀以下注意事項:這是一款限量版的Lebron 11 X NBA 2k14球鞋。“不就是限量版么,不新鮮。”別急,继续往下看,想要買到這雙鞋你先得把它“解鎖”咯,“是咩意思?”。意思是,你得在NBA 2K14遊戲中玩家必須得先獲得一系列的成就,簡單來說就是:贏得60場比賽,在Nike創意廚房設計簽名球鞋等任務完成解鎖并獲得購買代碼。總之,完成這一系列任務所需要的時間大約為80小時!另外值得一提的是,這雙鞋僅限量打造2014雙,數量稀少,如果有剩下的話,你還等什麼,趕快開機玩起來了。不過別忘了,首先你得購買正版遊戲。

So its well documented our effusive love for this shoe. Since, it has also been documented by other sources that Bron Bron hates this shoe cuz it just don’t work for his feet. Too light or something. Well after a few incarnations the bombest colorways besides the OG’s have not been the hallmark stunnas like Miami Beach, All Star or Easter joints. In fact the best one’s we have seen we can’t get our hands on unless we real ballers and by that I mean, playing in the L, with a league pass to the players association not the one you buy annually (but I applaud you fellow crack addicts). This though is pretty fresh. Before you start forming queues outside of stores and pitching tents, READ THIS. This is a limited edition Lebron 11 X NBA 2k14 shoe. Listen close. You gots to ‘unlock’ this shoe ‘namean?’. Players of the game have to reach several milestones which include: win 60 games, and create a signature shoe in the Nike Innovation Kitchen within the game. This will take approximately 80 hours. 2014 pairs of these have been made. If there are any left start your game consoles. Otherwise appreciate don’t hate.


去你的!! Marcus Morris穿上了Lebron 11’s,而Phoenix Suns 隊伍的PJ Tucker以120比106 戰勝Traiblazers。橙色配金色鑲邊及白色旋風,弊病……

DAAAMN. Lebron 11’s on Marcus Morris and PJ Tucker of the Phoenix Suns in a win over the Trailblazers, 120-106, Nov. 27, 2013. Orange with gold trim, white swoosh. The sickness.




大家都知道我們SPITGAN身為籃球愛好者,對於運動鞋的喜愛可謂第二個女朋友般,但看到這雙NIKE的LEBRON 11 KING’S PRIDE & TERRACOTTA運動鞋,可以說你的女朋友為叫錯為別一人。NIKE官方說這雙KING’S PRIDE鞋的配色靈感來自獅子王無畏無懼的精神而來,所以配色是用了深橄欖色的鞋面和搭配鞋內充滿熱帶風情的花卉圖案彰顯出這種感覺。另外,TERRACOTTA運動鞋的靈感來源是結合許多兵馬俑元素在其中,以石頭的原色搭配紫色、藍綠色以及紅色等鮮豔色彩象徵兵馬俑剛出土時衣著、武器最外層尚未剝落的顏色等。

DAAAAAAAMMMMMMNNNN! If these ain’t the frontrunner for sneaker of the year, show me something! I could write this post in broken english superlatives. Nike delivers a one punch knock out with these. Whatever the press release says, if these weren’t somewhat inspired by Transformers you are lying! Look at the second colorway, the Terracotta, you playing?! As if that isn’t straight from a decepticon symbol! Official word is, it comes from the terracotta warriors of Xian province, China; from ‘Bron ‘Bron’s visit there. Them boys are just a monotone beige homie; purple? Anyways, splitting hairs here. Might actually get in a line to cop a frickin’ 2 pair of these. Owwww. Here’s to hoping they are light by most shoe standards not just by Lebron shoe standards. All hail!