Lost in Translation,不同語言的錯誤翻譯帶來多少的誤會已是思空見慣的事情,往往只有親身體驗才能體會語言文化的差落。於是,向來敢作敢為的我們,決定深入虎穴,親自調查這個被翻譯為“怪味包”的食品。是的,味道真的很怪,但“Odd Flavor Taste Rods”這個詞不能完全的將這個包的味道表現出來。它是非一般傳統的甜,一種不能言喻的甜,應該是故意的吧。雖然名字怪味道怪,它可是熱賣食品,不到早上十時便差不多沽清,原來很多人都像Spitgan般充滿冒險精神!
Ok ok. So they used Google translate and yeah its not precise. Damn, doggy you should do your due dilligence though! ‘Odd Flavor Taste Rods’, no no no no. We did go all in and sample these bad boys. One thing accurate, it did have an odd taste. Not a simple sweet bun at all, so maybe it was intentional. Not. Seems like a hot seller though. Down to one and this was at 10AM.