今年是Lanvin品牌成立的125週年紀念,這個低調但充滿歷史的時裝品牌向來予人神秘的感覺,除了外型可愛的創意總監Albaz Elbaz外,很多人對這個品牌的故事沒有太多印象,像那個歷史悠久的品牌logo便有一個有趣的典故。這個由著名插畫師Paul Iribe設計的品牌Logo,當中的大人與小孩手牽手的標記,其實來自當年品牌的創辦人Jeanne Lanvin與她的女兒Marguerite在化裝舞會手拖手共舞的情景。 Marguerite是Jeanne的女兒同時也是她的靈感繆思,及後更啟發她推出童裝系列。
The House of Lanvin celebrates its 125 anniversary, with a little background information on the house. Founded by Jeanne Lanvin, the iconic symbol of the house is a stylized illustration of Jeanne and her daughter Marguerite. Marguerite became Jeanne’s muse as the story goes, a great source of inspiration for her which led her to develop and invent children’s wear (of the high end variety I suppose). The original logo itself was designed by the famed Paul Iribe and suggests both mother and daughter dancing at a costume ball. Now ya know!