Well, well, what it do? Is this what they mean by a ‘fashion plate’? Literally carrying them down the runway? Some kinda play on the starving artist? Or ready to eat? Pret-A-Manger instead of Pret-A-Porter?! Self congratulatory slaps for that last one. In a blatant product placement, Versace SS15 Men’s show had the beautiful Versace X Rosenthal plates and china everywhere!
“Versace Versace Versace Versace…”是一首火紅的嘻哈歌曲。VERSACE的氣勢可謂一時無兩,不但有人以VERSACE命名的歌曲之外,現在又推出VERSACE X ROSENTHAL 20TH ANNIVERSARY的合作廚具用品。其實VERSACE的家具部門可以說是最令人著魔的,除了衣服外,家具必定是我們日常生活所接觸到,而VERSACE的圖案和設計套在任何物件上,像立即給物件注了生命般,十分神奇。
這次合作計劃當中有一些是不能錯過的,如經典的medusa人頭像、幾何圖案設計、中國風的設計概念,什至出現設計師Donatella Versace頭像,這都是不容錯失。如果用這些碗具吃飯,不知道會否吃出Verasce的味道?那又會是什麼?
Versace Versace Versace Versace. Excuse me while I get my ig’nant on. Seriously though, one of the great things about the Versace house is the housewares department. Much slept-on as it is, Versace prints and designs work amazingly well with objects, not to mention clothing. I was put onto their China finery through an amazing gift from Versace a few years ago. Little did I know this collaboration had been going on 20 years strong. Or is that 20 collections strong? Anyways, we’ve highlighted a few pieces from this anniversary for you to see. It is quite wide ranging from the iconic medusa head, and geometric patterns, to Chinese inspired motifs and even a portrait of Donatella herself! Kudos! Get yours baller.