N12H這個品牌可能對不少香港人都感到陌生,實際上她十分受造型師歡迎。她的風格很女性化,設計簡單、用料講究,略加打扮已經能讓你容光煥發。品牌的一大特色是她們的印花都由設計師Nerissa一手繪畫!而且她會在一條裙上用上幾種布料,看起來便更有層次感,造型上更有時尚感和顯瘦。最新一季增加了不少一字肩的設計, 剛好到胸上的位置,露出整個肩膀和背脊,小小骨感的小性感!
撰文 Article/ Jose chu
N12H這個品牌可能對不少香港人都感到陌生,實際上她十分受造型師歡迎。她的風格很女性化,設計簡單、用料講究,略加打扮已經能讓你容光煥發。品牌的一大特色是她們的印花都由設計師Nerissa一手繪畫!而且她會在一條裙上用上幾種布料,看起來便更有層次感,造型上更有時尚感和顯瘦。最新一季增加了不少一字肩的設計, 剛好到胸上的位置,露出整個肩膀和背脊,小小骨感的小性感!
撰文 Article/ Jose chu
So Gosha, straight up, how old are these boys? Jesus. Aight. Some reference to a guy called Pasolini, a Communist, who inspired this collection. These kids are more a reference to said cat’s teenage lover, or 17 year-old hustler that confessed to his murder. Boys look like they about to enter their teens not in it. Twisted. The clothes are otherwise some overpriced sportwear fair for a new generation that has never seen it before. Track pants and blazers, that these pubescent soccer hooligans like to wear. Collabs with Italian brands, Fila, Kappa, and Sergio Tacchini, the hipster is now a Gino. It’s all good these days. Viva la Fuccboi!
Well it’s the end of an era. Riccardo has moved on from the brand he brought back to life, and infused with a complete new set of DNA. For this, his last season of menswear the silhouette has not changed. Definitely masculine, the advances are in the details. Some zipped collars catch my eye, a stiff, laquered fisherman hat, and zip enclosures to tee’s and blazers alike. No reinvention of the wheel but it’s highly wearable and still a style I dig! The finally of the show also included 13 women’s couture pieces for just random, excess flavor. Wit it!
這個品牌最初由Eugene Leung 在澳洲成立,當時只將塗鴉藝術融入T恤設計,後來才發展成一個街頭時裝品牌。2009年因拍檔Dan Tse的加入才移到香港。
攝影 Photo From / Courtesy of Injury
撰文 Article From / Jose Chu
Angus Tsui 是畢業於HKDI 的年輕設計師,他善於利用Digital Print及立體剪裁為作品添加層次感。他亦十分關注時裝在環境可持續發展等環保議題,推動慢活時裝。正如他這季的作品,基於生態系統,假如蜜峰的種群持續下降,人類甚至地球都會面對嚴重的問題。他由此產生靈感,設計出BEEvolution系列,利用Digitial Print展現蜜峰的pattern和地球的組成元素,例如水、岩石等。同時採用來自香港企業的多餘面對循環再造。實際上速食時裝的問題我們都清楚了解,既然知道,何不在購物之前停一停、諗一諗?
攝影 Photo From / Courtesy of Angus Tsui
撰文 Article From / Jose Chu