在這個熱得叫人沮喪的八月,有誰更適合為差不多接近尾聲的暑假帶來最糜爛、最放蕩的音樂?喜歡Indie音樂的朋友相信不會對來自香港的音樂組合The Yours陌生,他們是中國最大Indie record Label Maybe Mars旗下的藝人,在香港indie界已有一定的名氣外,以音樂品味見稱的英國雜誌《Dazed and Confused》亦曾有介紹過這隊三人組合。他們剛推出的第二張音樂專輯《Teenagarten》,非常有水準,今次Spitgan請來三位成員:Jack Leung、Nic Wong及Tim Ng為我們挑選了他們的夏日音樂playlist與眾分享,好讓大家在暑假結束之前再放縱多一次。你們的耳朵準備好未? 想聽The Yours的音樂創作?可溜覽www.the-yours.com。
Ooh to brighten up those dog days of summer fun! To curate our soundtrack to summer madness, debauchery and love, none other than Hong Kong’s very own, The Yours. Hot off their sophomore album, ‘Teenagarten’ and contract with Maybe Mars, China’s leading indie label, the boys, Jack Leung, Nic Wong and Tim Ng, lace up our August playlist lovely. If you haven’t heard what all the fuss is about check their music out here: www.the-yours.com and get on the bandwagon with Dazed and Confused et al. SHOTTA!
T-Rex – Girl