相中的模特兒Cheuk Yee正穿著Windaus Wister的設計。/Model Cheuk Yee wears Windaus Wister in all photos.

攝影/Photos : Nick D for Precursorprints.com
翻譯/Translation – Essy Chiu
造型/Stylee : 2 Dirty Guys
髮型/Hair : Jose Chu,
化妝/Makeup : Tiffany Loo,
模特兒/Model : Cheuk Yee

Windaus Wister這個名字很特別。我們於去年的香港春夏時裝週遇上了這位年輕才俊,當時他坐在香港會議展覽中心一個比較隱蔽的角落,差點讓我們錯過碰上這位謙虛的年輕人的機會。他的攤位看起來有點凌亂,一半以上的產品都已賣出,穿上他的設計的人體模型與整個環境氛圍造成極大的對比。他並沒有嘗試冒充簡約派藝術風格,但整個視覺效果卻讓人感覺在觀看IDGAFery的某個展覽,是一個“毫不費功夫” 的佈置。他的設計不單只個性突出,主題亦相當鮮明,獨特同時予人不順著潮流而行的感覺。整體而言非常優秀!Windaus Wister 像是香港時裝週的一道清泉,令我們有「這個年輕人將會有一番作為」,而沒有空手而回的感覺。

<< 中文版本在英文下面。 >>

Windaus Wister it has a nice ring to it. We met the young squire tucked away in a blind spot of the cavernous Hong Kong Convention Center last spring at the HK Fashion Fair. We almost passed the unassuming dude by. His booth looked like it had been picked over and half the merchandise sold! A mannequin with one of his creative designs looked disembodied from the entire display completely. The whole visual gave off a sense you were staring at some kinda showcase of IDGAFery, opposed to come check my wares. It was quite the ‘no effort’ presentation. It made no attempt to masquerade as minimalism, it just was. It was enough though. The 5 or six garments, not total looks ya hear, where brilliant. Their personality stood out just hanging on racks! The ideas were sharp, unique and against trend. Windaus Wister saved that fashion week for us. Instead of walking out empty handed, we came away with as sense that damn, this kid could do it BIG.


SPITGAN – Who is Windaus Wister?
WINDAUS WISTER – Lol. Wind is my Chinese name. I wanted to have an English name so I would check the dictionary. In fact Windaus and Wister are two seperate names but when I mixed them together it looked like, sounded like, the IT brand Windows Vista! When I said the name it sounded quite interesting and then I put it together.

SG – Yeah. Its a very interesting name. It sounds like a name of magic.
WW – I met a German guy before and he asked me if I was German.

SG – What do you want Windaus?
WW – I want my lover, and my business.

SG – What do women want Windaus?
WW – All women want to have a rich husband. No need to work.

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等了又等,Burberry的「Art of the Trench」活動終於去到上海,這個活動是透過拍攝在日常生活中的人們對於Burberry經典大衣是怎樣搭配,並邀請傑出的人物進行拍攝。其實這項活動已經在多個國家地方舉行過,如倫敦、紐約等。若果給5秒大家說出對於Burberry經典大衣的形容會什麼,會說「米色」、「經典」…其實Burberry每年都會推出這經典的大衣,並加入一些新元素,如2013春夏的大衣加入了金屬色系,使經典變得新潮。這項活動透過不同人穿著Burberry的大衣,使這款經典大衣加入了人情味,變得生活化及有趣味。而這次攝影作品由攝影大師Trunk Xu所拍攝。

The Burberry, Art of the Trench project finally touches down in China. Shooting hand picked luminaries, placed in real life situations, the ‘Art of the Trench’ project has previously been shot and exhibited in London, New York etc. It also looks like the trench has been updated with current designs from recent collections, as originally it was the classic beige you think of when you think of the iconic Burberry. Playful and life-like, each person I presume has incorporated it in his/her own way. Shanghai photographs by Trunk Xu.