有時候看到一些創作會叫你不其然站起來鼓掌,像這輯Levi’s的廣告專輯就是其一。簡單的概念,沒有過火的數碼修圖效果 (在今日非常稀有) ,攝影、圖片色調、時裝造型跟模特的演出都非常真實,那怕故事說的是U FO 的到來,在沒有畸形的過分修圖下 (只用了少許技巧做出UFO的形態),看起來還是有說服力。在今日90% 攝影師的作品看起來都相差無幾之際,這輯充滿懷舊感的照片,更特圍而出,同時含蓄地表現了Levi’s Vintage collection的特質。我要向它致敬。
There are somethings you just got to stand up and applaud. Thus the joys of life no? This Levi’s campaign is off the heezy! We are blown away. Such a simple shoot executed to perfection. A few digi tricks (no one believes they actually created a UFO for this do they?) and a narrative, BOOM! The colortone, clothing and model casting are all sublime. Everything looks money. I’m going out on a limb here, saying the vintage feel of this shoot is to tie into what is called the Levi’s ‘Vintage Clothing’ line. Apropos, salute!
See the complete story. Click below.