Alexander Wang本季受关注频率颇高,如果他秉持这样的高生产品质的话,这种势头估计会持续下去。他目前正在飞跃阶段,所以我断言下季,他也将占据’GAN杂志的大幅版面。这个男孩的才华在于轻松诠释了街头运动风的精髓,这儿还有一个怪胎版军包?不知道灵感是来源于哪儿的。
Alexander Wang is getting a lot of mention here this season, and will continue to, if he keeps this quality of production up. He’s in stride right now, and I guarantee next season he’ll be taking up a gang of space on the ‘GAN as well. Working through the sportwear vocabulary with ease, here he freaks a version of an army surplus bag? Whatever its DOPE.