Jacquemus今季的感覺就像生活在法國南部,迷人明亮的陽光,生活平靜休閒,簡單而且樸素。這一季依然繼續見到他的特色: 大圓鈕扣和幾何鞋跟。但更多的是如Vetements的大肩膀設計!基本上貫穿了整個系列。和Vetements大不同的是,Jacquemus的感覺是憂鬱的、浪漫的。白色Laca的誇張肩膀西裝、麻質修腰的寬鬆西裝都是例子之一。
攝影 Photo From / Kim Weston Arnold / Indigital.tv and WGSN
Jacquemus今季的感覺就像生活在法國南部,迷人明亮的陽光,生活平靜休閒,簡單而且樸素。這一季依然繼續見到他的特色: 大圓鈕扣和幾何鞋跟。但更多的是如Vetements的大肩膀設計!基本上貫穿了整個系列。和Vetements大不同的是,Jacquemus的感覺是憂鬱的、浪漫的。白色Laca的誇張肩膀西裝、麻質修腰的寬鬆西裝都是例子之一。
攝影 Photo From / Kim Weston Arnold / Indigital.tv and WGSN
Victorino Campos showed his resort collection in São Paolo with some challenging pieces on view. Some head-to-toe sheer outfits for the fellas were hella difficult to bear witness to. One look did emerge like radiance, like a salving balm to the retina in a shit storm. This check dress for women with a metallic detail on the chest? It signaled a full about face and took me from the dregs of fashion to the euphoria of sci-fi warp coils in 2 nanoseconds flat. Metallic detailings were futher put to use on dresses and other patchwork additions but this work of inspiration stole the show.
第74屆金球獎在1月8日於美國加州洛杉磯的比佛利山希爾頓酒店舉行了頒獎典禮。現在我們一起來看看當日的Worse outfit吧!
Claire Foy, Photo by Rex/Shutterstock / Erdem的裙子基本上沒有大問題。問題是Claire的皮膚很白,全身都是閃片讓她看起來面無血色。加上眼影又用上閃粉,實在太過閃了。
Zoe Saldana, Photo by Rex/Shutterstock / 原本我很喜歡Gucci這條裙,但Zoe用行動告訴了我們粉紅色是很難穿得好看的!她皮膚其實不是太黑,但因為和粉紅色的對比讓人和衣服變成了兩個個體。加上腰間的蝴蝶結,變了一個粉紅色包裝的禮物。
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攝影/All photos by : Marcus Tondo, Indigital.tv
Remember those Dr. Seuss dresses from way back? Always gotta keep one eye up. Christopher Kane Pre-Fall 2016.