Gloves/Dress : Moncler, Knee length sneakers : Chanel
Model : Yohi from Primo Management
CN::Charles Wong
Moncler在這2013年可謂大放光彩,繼與Mary Katrantzou的合作計畫之後,這次與音樂人兼制作人 Pharrell Williams 合作推出太陽眼鏡,具新鮮的組合。音樂圈與時尚圈的交流是十分緊密,互相交流的文化使設計變得獨特,就如這次太陽眼鏡的設計不但具有個性的氣質,亦配合品牌的形象,使具性格之餘亦不失一致性。這次Pharrell Williams亦擔任這款眼鏡的代言人,可以說親力親為。號外!眼鏡喜愛人注意!還不趕快入購 Moncler X Pharrell Williams的太陽眼鏡!!
Cool, Cool, Coooooool. We riding with Moncler. We’ve been for a hot sec how, with the magazine we can just show some proper love. So the latest addition to the stable of Moncler is this Parrell Williams designed piece. On the official, its for the ladies but I can’t see nothing that identifies it as a women’s piece, and ain’t no fella gonna get any masculine points deducted if he can pull these off. Cooooool.
太厲害啦!看到 MARY KATRANTZOU X MONCLER 的系列,不禁起身鼓掌! MARY KATRANTZOU 式印花和 MONCLER 的衣服線條- 絕配的組合。這不是衣服這麼簡單,
DOPE! Brave and bold. What an imagination! To create these pieces. To unite these forces together. Bravo!