Futbol fans taking signage to the next level, a deluge of selfies and chicks, wild food spreads, thought provoking memes from Hell. You know how we do and that’s just the tip of the iceberg that sank the Titanic. Paul’s Corner, the best of the Interwebs. Rated Disturbed, NSFW, FU, 25+, and you just can’t get enough! BOOM!
Filed Under: PAUL'S CORNER, TOP_BANNER Tagged With: 4AM, architecture, asian girl, ass whooping, babes, bad jokes, badminton, Beach, beards, bikinis, black, blondes, blowjobs, Boston Bruins, boys, brunettes, bums, burger, camera lens, clothes, cop car, costumes, counterfeit, dad, daughters, David Letterman, David Simms, dips, Donald Sterling, drink, drugs, evil laughs, fall, fans, fashion, food, frisbee, funeral, Gay, gifs, girls, goats, green screen, hair, Hitler, hockey, Homer Simpson, honeys, Instagram, Jaws, Jay Leno, jerk off, John F. Kennedy, karate kid, ketchup, kids, kisses, mayor, meats, memes, Michael Jackson, motorboats, mullet, nature, NBA, Neverland Ranch, nipples, notes, owners, Paul's Corner, photobomb, poses, pottery, pugs, Putin, Rob Ford, sandwich, scare, Scarlett Johansson, selfies, sex, shave, signs, smile, smoking, soccer fans, SPITGAN, sports, spreads, steak, stickers, streaker, swimming pools, t-shirt, tank tops, tea bags, tears, The Internets, Toronto, tv show, twisted humor, Warm Notice, weightlifting, welcome matt, whoring
Ooh yeah! Everybody gets a post to fame on Paul’s Corner. Your stupidity will haunt you here! Disturbed as F. NSFW. The Internets keep rollin’!
Filed Under: PAUL'S CORNER, TOP_BANNER, TOP10EN Tagged With: Adriana Grande, American Psycho, ant eater, Asian girls, ass, Audrey Hepburn, automatics, babes, bad jokes, black people, boobs, Booty, bumper sticker, butts, castle, chalk, chicks, dog, dog treats, Don Cherry, drums, Elvis, Emma Watson, evil laughs, fashion, freedom, girl scout cookies, guns, Hari Kari, heights, highways, interiors, Jane Upton, Kangaroo, mazes, meth, Michael Jackson, Miley Cyrus, movie poster, Muhammed Ali, Ninja Turtles, old school, Paul's Corner, peppers, perfect circle, pitches, police cruisers, Porche, roads, Rob Ford, Scarlett Johansson, seahorse, selfies, Sesame Street, sexy, skater girl, skills, smoking, SPITGAN, squeeze, sunbathing, swimming pool, swimming pools, The Internets, The Usual Suspects, thumbs up, twisted humor, vibrato, views, zero gravity
Max Landis, the movie screenwriter of “Ghost In The Shell”, defending the decision to cast Scarlett Johansson as the female lead, “There are no A-list female Asian celebrities right now on an international level.”
– Kelly Yang, South China Morning Post
Filed Under: Bullocks, Dailies, Film, New Goods, Womens Tagged With: Ghost In The Shell, Max Landis, Scarlett Johansson