Yo this up-do wave is fine as hell. Damn stylish if you ask me. Like Rachel from Blade Runner and that is a damn good thing! In fact the whole collection has that feel too. I dig a girl lookin like this, whether human or replicant it’s all good.
Filed Under: Beauty, TOP_BANNER, Womens Tagged With: beauty, Bottega Veneta, FW17, up-do, wave, women's
Let the good times roll! Summer in effect and Paul’s Corner is back. We didn’t go nowhere we just wanted to give you some time to digest all the goodness! As disturbed as possible, 18+. It will rot your mind!
Filed Under: PAUL'S CORNER, TOP_BANNER Tagged With: Arnold Schwarzenegger, ass, babes, bad jokes, basketball, Boeing 777, boobs, Booty, bumper stickers, butt crack, camels, cartoons, chalk, Chef, chicks, chromosomes, Cinnamon Rolls, coaches, drugs, elephant, evil laughs, fashion, filet, George Washington, girls, golf, gym, hockey, Japanese girls, jeans, KFC, kicks, Malaysia Airlines, nature, Paul's Corner, pool stick, Putin, salmon, sand, selfies, Seven Dwarfs, sexy, smoking, SPITGAN, squat, strippers, swimsuits, The Internets, Tom & Jerry, tops, toys, twisted humor, underwater, uniform, waffles, wants, waterfalls, wave
Ohh bring the giggles and cracks. Bring’em by the bag load. The best jokes, laughs and evil goodness we could find for you from the Internets. Paul’s Corner, SPITGAN!
Filed Under: Dailies, PAUL'S CORNER, TOP_BANNER Tagged With: amish, avocado, banana, beer, butts, chicks, cliffs, crystal, dates, dogs, drums, evil, fails, G strings, gifs, goats, guns, gyms, hand lotion, hawaiian shirts, hipster, hotties, houses, Humor, jars, kids, lammas, laughs, letters, lion cubs, lions, mountains, mouse trap, murals, music notes, night photography, nods, orgy, parks, Paul's Corner, peeing, racist cartoons, Rock, selfies, sex, sheer fabrics, sheet music, snow, soft, spill, sports cars, Star Wars, statues, street art, sunsets, surfer, Thanks Obama, The Internets, tiger cubs, tits, views, wave