是的!我们的这个单元得到了越来越多的关注,正如预期的那样茁壮成长!这个月,我们迎来了新的朋友,DJ Stephane Margolis。以及,艺术家Stephane Margolis!作为一位艺术家,他的插花创作的灵感源自于大自然,旅行,以及音乐。对于日本艺术插花的研究使他的作品融合了亮丽色彩,趣味图案,以及表现情感幽默和不安生态意识的素材。我们有幸在2015年香港举办的巴塞尔艺术博览会与他进行了一番交谈,他在那儿同时兼顾着DJ打碟与Joyce画廊的展览工作!

Yeah! We reaching far and wide now with this section as it should be! This month we welcome our new friend, DJ Stephane Margolis. Also, artist, Stephane Margolis! As an artist he creates floral arrangements inspired by nature, travel and music. Having studied the Japanese art of ikebana, his work blends bright colors, fun patterns and disturbing materials to emote humor and ecological awareness. We had the pleasure to kick it with him during Art Basel 2015 in HK, where he was doing double duty, DJing, and showing with Joyce Gallery!

请点击以下链接欣赏他的作品/Check out his work at : http://stephanemargolis.fr/

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