來自美國的The Groove Thief, 擅長美式混音和雷鬼搖擺樂,最近五年來他專心於香港發展,同時努力推動香港優質的音樂文代。早前,南華早報亦有報道 “among Hong Kong’s leading arbiters of musical taste” ,他一直而來盡自已最大努力做好音樂,包括他的品牌POMEGRANTE(a collaboration with ▶▶△),不想辜負眾人對他的期望。

The Groove Thief與其他樂隊Bass Music China、Heavy Hong Kong和True School於OMA (中環雲咸街79號) 定期都有演出。如果你想找尋他的蹤影,亦嘗試到Acadana,Hidden Agenda或 XXX Gallery。

An American dub and reggae connoisseur, The Groove Thief has been hard at work promoting quality music culture here in the 852 for nearly 5 years. Described as “among Hong Kong’s leading arbiters of musical taste” by the South China Morning Post, he’s doing his best to live up to such lofty expectations by organizing events around the city including his “POMEGRANATE” brand (a collaboration with ▶▶△). The Groove Thief holds down residency at Oma, performs with Bass Music China, Heavy Hong Kong and True School. Find him at spinning at Acadana, Hidden Agenda and XXX Gallery on the reg, interviewing artists for Time Out Hong Kong magazine, releasing mixes, and reviewing music for TheGrooveThief.com and NiceUp (NZ).

For SPITGAN he laces us with an overdose of not 15 tracks but 15 projects of what he’s checkin’ right about now. You lucky bastards.

由現在起,他為SPITGAN帶來的不單是15首音樂,然而像是和我們分享他現在的故事/The Groove Thief can be found on Facebook here : https://www.facebook.com/TheGrooveThief/?fref=ts

L’Entourloop are a French duo – you can check out both my album review and my interview with them this past summer to learn more – known for blending Hip Hop and Reggae into a musical stew. Their latest video, for “Lobster Shwarama” (featuring Troy Berkley and Khoe Wa), pairs those vibes with some engaging visuals:

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