Written and Produced by Andrew Watt & Brendan Fallis
Vocals – Kate Moss
Saxaphone – Richie Cannata
Mixed by Illfactor
Artwork by Austyn Weiner

超級名模Kate Moss 在伸展台上出現是並不出奇,但現在她在音樂圈上出現,這還都是一個新鮮的搭配。這次粉墨登場是為了她的廣告,這首單曲由加拿大DJ Brendan Fallis 親手打造。Kate Moss不但外貌性感,聽完這首單曲,更發覺她的聲音亦十分性感,可見她是完完全全的性感胚子。

What does Canadian DJ Brendan Fallis and fashion have in common? An outright infatuation with Kate Moss, maybe one. The Canadian DJ has sampled Kate Moss dropping some style advice, onto a repetative loop for his new track, ‘Day & Night’…Sultry…