嘩啦!我們非常榮幸請到街頭品牌之母April Walker為今個月的Spitgan playlist的嘉賓。不認識April Walker是何方神聖但熱愛街頭文化的人士,是時候花點時間去惡補一下歷史。April Walker是90年代經典街頭時裝品牌Walker Wear的創辦人,她的設計在當年的嘻哈黃金年代大受歡迎,多位著名的嘻哈樂手均不時穿著她的設計演出,品牌在當時的次文化圈中扮演著一個重要的角色,並且有著一定的影響力。識英雄重英雄,我們花了一些時間把這位半隱退的元老找出來。April Walker被Spitgan的誠意打動,為表示對我們的認同,於是答應出任今個月音樂playlist的嘉賓,與我們分享她極具品味的音樂選擇。這只是冰山一角,spitgan還有更多關於她與Walker Wear的精彩內容佈導,大家密切留意。

想了解更多關於Walker Wear的品牌故事,可溜覧http://walkerwear.com

Whoohaa! We are honored to re-introduce the one and only April Walker, of the vaunted Walker Wear brand. The self-styled, ‘Sacagawea of urban fashion’. For those not familiar, get familiar. If you love the golden era of Hip Hop, her visual imprint is undeniable. A pioneer shaping the Hip Hop aesthetic, April was most influential, and designs, most coveted in the times. We have been blessed to connect with April, and to set things off in true SPITGAN fashion, viola, a music playlist! Tune in this month as April will deliver you the musical goodness through its entirety! Stay tuned to SPITGAN.COM as this is just the tip of the iceberg.

To see what April is up to fashion-wise support : http://walkerwear.com

Blue Yankees Fitted – The Barrel Brothers

In China :
