Women you love being photographed. A send up to you. We appreciate you in all your beauty and travesty here at Paul’s Corner. Do you and we will do we. From spitting lasers outta your butts, meme wisdom, and human debauchery, you’ve got it all here. Rated disturbed, 18+ and NSFLIFE. Enjoy!
Filed Under: PAUL'S CORNER, TOP_BANNER Tagged With: 2Pac, Anne Frank, Archer, asian chicks, Asians, bad jokes, ballerina, bench press, Biggie, bikinis, black women, blind man, blonde, boobies, Booty, brunettes, burgers, cartoons, cellphones, chairs, chicks, chips, Cleveland, computers, dance, demo tapes, dog pile, dogs, Doritos, eating, evil laughs, exercise, fail, flexibility, floral dress, fondu, frustration, G strings, gaze, gifs, girls, GOD, horse play, hotties, hula hoops, Justin Beiber, kids, knives, lasers, lazers, memes, menu, milk, monkeys, Nathan, nudes, opinions, paradise, Paul's Corner, phone, photography, porn star, Private Ryan, refs, religion, Science, seals, selfies, sexual harassment, shotguns, skateboarder, skating, sleep, SPITGAN, squats, Stanley Cup, stockings, street art, Super Mario, swimsuits, Taylor Swift, The Internets, tits, toilet cover, trees, tricks, TV, twerk, twisted humor, views, watches, waterslides
Encore, encore! C’est bon non? Paul’s Corner tres offensive! Tu adore! It’s a disturbance non! NSFW non? Mais oui! 18+. Merci.
Filed Under: PAUL'S CORNER, TOP_BANNER Tagged With: airports, America, Arnold Schwarzenegger, ass, Australians, babes, bad jokes, beachs, bears, beat down, bikinis, bowling, bulls, burgers, chicks, chinese women, chipmonks, cockpit, D bag, dashboard, dogs, Dollar Palace, dresses, election God, Elmo, evil laughs, fat people, fitness, girls, guys, height, helmets, hockey, hotties, kisses, marathons, masturbation, Matthew McConaughey, Micheal J. Fox, movie stars, nudes, organized crime, Paul's Corner, planes, promises, redheads, selfies, sexy, six pack, SPITGAN, The Internets, tits, topless, twisted humor, video games, Walmart, wedgie
Yep you know it! It’s arrived like Christmas! Paul’s Corner as disturbed and NSFW as you can take!
Filed Under: Dailies, New Goods, PAUL'S CORNER, TOP_BANNER Tagged With: aerial view, bad jokes, blondes, bodypaint, boobs, bottles, Bruce Lee, bulge, burgers, butts, candles, cd's, Chuck Norris, Chuck Taylors, cooking, costumes, dance, discipline, evil laughs, fight, Girl, Gremlins, hockey, hotties, houses, instruments, kids, Lightning, logging, milk, miniskirts, Muhammed Ali, nudists, Obama, panties, Paul's Corner, phones, Pinky Queen, rainbows, Rob Ford, Robert Downey Jr., rules, selfies, sexy, shopping, SPITGAN, stunts, success, supergirl, The Internets, thumbs, twisted humor, walrus, women, Wonderwoman
Need assurance the world is going to hell? Paul’s Corner. Disturbed. Plus 18. NSFW just NS.
Filed Under: PAUL'S CORNER, TOP_BANNER Tagged With: 1990, 2013, 70's chicks, Albert Einstein, Alpha Romeo, animals, archives, arrest, babes, bad humor, ballin', beanies, bears, bike accidents, Bill Murray, blondes, Brittany Spear, brushing teeth, Bryant Gumble, burgers, calculus, chicks, dance, Ernie Johnson, evil laughs, execution, favelas, fist bump, fridges, George Carlin, glasses, Google search engine, hairdos, heights, heyyyy, ironing, Jack Nicholson, jokes, Justin Bieber, kettles, Kim Jong-un, kitchen, laziness, lazy dog, level 62, Madonna, North Koreans, Ozzy Osborne, party, Penelope Cruz, photoshop, pig robbers, planes, Pope, rims, skies, smoke, soccer, society, spandex, strippers, sunbathers, sunshine, superheroes, Superman, tattoos, team USA, terrible situations, The Internets, Trailer Park Boys, trees, video games, views, Wonderwoman, Zombieland
Filed Under: Dailies, PAUL'S CORNER, TOP_BANNER Tagged With: 3D paintings, alcohol, apartments, arrest, art, Barack Obama, Beach, Big Bird, bombs, bongs, bridges, bubbles, Bugs Bunny, burgers, celebrations, chicks, Chuck Norris, Cincinnati Bengals, cobras, coffee, dogs, drunk, eating, evil laughs, F1, funny, Ghana, gifs, giraffes, girls, haircuts, harry belafonte, Hong Kong, Humor, Jack O'Laterns, jokes, Lego, lingerie, MacGyver, Martin Luther King Jr., Mickey Mouse, Mitt Romney, name tags, nature, New Orleans Saints, NFL, Pee Cola, pennies, photography, protestors, Rambo, Red Label, rocks, selfies, sex, skulls, smoke, soldiers, streakers, sun, Superdome, surveillance cameras, tattoos, tigers, trampolines, triangles, truckers, UN, underwater, vampires, views, weapons, weed