Louis Vuitton享譽為世界品牌! 最令人讚嘆的是LV標誌是由字母組合而成。是次邀請了具有知名度的設計師來設計此系列, 如:Christian Louboutin, Cindy Sherman, Marc Newson, Karl Lagerfeld, Frank Gehry and Rei Kawakubo, 並展現出他們的個人風格。設計講求的是創新, 表現自己風格, 大膽; 將不可能成為可能。就好像Frank Gehry 的設計:突出的地方是袋的形狀, 像一個百寶盒般, 具有新鮮感。除了設計要創新之外, 表達自己亦是不可忽視; 像Christian Louboutin , 紅色是他的標誌, 因此袋的設計必定有紅色的出現。另外, Karl Lagerfeld愛型格的事物, 正好以拳擊運動表達他的設計。以及Cindy Sherman, 無論在攝影或藝術方面, 她的作品充滿色彩, 正如今次的袋以旅行集郵的完素為主, 印章和袋的細節位也運用了鮮艷的顏色。最後, 設計亦需有大膽的勇氣, 不得不提Rei Kawakubo ,她以swiss cheese瑞士乳酪來設計, 十分創新和令人意想不到。由於Rei Kawakubo設計此袋是需特別要求, 如有興趣, 可親臨店鋪查詢。

Louis Vuitton don’s gather ’round! A special collection celebrating the vaunted LV monogram in all it’s glory! Christian Louboutin, Cindy Sherman, Marc Newson, Karl Lagerfeld, Frank Gehry and Rei Kawakubo have been roped in to imagine the iconic in their own way. If you can’t tell Frank Gehry’s standout pieces then you need a head check. C. Louboutin comes with his signature red in a slick bag shape. Marc Newson images a plush backpack. Karl Lagerfeld looked like he found his inspiration for his boxing gloves and punching bag from Young Buck’s bankruptcy liquidation sale, and Cindy Sherman went big in size, with travel patches. Rei, yes Rei. Her images were by special request, and our ‘special request’ fell on deaf ears. Check it in stores. Its the one that’s swiss cheesed up! BIGGIE!