如果Chloe 2014春夏系列這款船跟鞋的色調叫你聯想起多瑙河的話,你就在正軋上,因為這個顏色的官方名字真的為「多瑙河」。沒有去過多瑙河的人士也許會感到驚異,多瑙河的河水是這麼的叫人惡心嗎?C hloe那個陽光下美得仿如人間仙子、不吃人間煙火的飄逸少女去了哪裡?她這個腳踏滿佈多瑙河泥漿的船跟涼鞋的形象卻吸引了我,因為她終於不再完美無暇,其實不完美的完美,更有真實感。

Important! New color alert. Chloe has coined the canvas color on this wedge, Danube River. I’m with it! If you knew the people inventing official color names you would cheer for alternative sources too. If this is true to the color of the Danube, isn’t it a pretty disgusting color for river water? Otherwise, Chloe seems to own the high end girlie girl style eh? It always paints a romantic picture of nymphs running through late afternoon sun to me. Maybe this blonde hashish is getting to me. Like I care! These wedges are phat like that!