We’ve been away for a sec so the long awaited return had to be a beast yeah?! No F’ing doubt! This one will definitely take your IQ score down 100 points before you’re half way through the madness! Paul’s Corner. Internet strong!
Filed Under: PAUL'S CORNER, TOP_BANNER Tagged With: 1938, aerobics, asian chicks, babes, bad taste, Beach, beer, bikinis, boat trip, boobs, bouncing, butts, cabins, catch, chicks, china, cover up, cute guy, Da Bulls, dance, dicks, Dikembe Mutombo, dining, dogs, dolls, drinks, Eagles, evil laughs, exercise, F U, fake lambourghini, fall, fans, fire department, fish, flight attendants, flyers, Forrest Gump, Game of Thrones, going down, gym, hair, Hitler, hotties, huddle, Humor, interracial sex, islands, Jesus, jokes, Jungle fever, leukemia, Lincoln, logs, machines, Made In China, Maldives, Marlon Brando, messages, meth, midgets, Mirrors, movie stars, naked, naps, nature, NBA, nuns, old movies, pants, parties, Paul's Corner, phones, photoshop, pie, ping pong, planes, protests, red carpet, Royals, selfies, Sept 11, seven, sex, shake it, shaving cream, shaving kits, shops, signs, skinhead, slaps, snow storm, spiders, street art, strippers, tacos, The Internets, Thomas the Train, Tim Hortons, Tuna, TV, views, weird, woman
Oh the visual sludge keeps a steady cummin’. Paul’s Corner. Rated Disturbed. 18+. The mind boggles.
Filed Under: Dailies, New Goods, PAUL'S CORNER, TOP_BANNER Tagged With: Andre Drummond, architecture, babe, bad jokes, Boo, bunnies, butt stabber, butts, cats, chains, Coke, costumes, crime, dancing, Dankies, dicks, elephants, evil laughs, fireworks, french kiss, gifs, Girl, glass, hockey, hottie, Humor, Jesus Christ, jokes, Liam Neeson, microwaves, Olivia Wilde, Optimus Prime, Paul's Corner, Pepsi, pompidour, Pornhub, selfie, sexy, sperm bank, squid, Star Wars, sunsets, tacos, teeth, The Internets, The Kills, vacuums, Victoria's Secret, washrooms, weapons, wheelbarrow fail, Windows 8.1, WTFery