All paintings : Hajime Sorayama (Used with permission)
Portrait of Sorayama : copyright by Hajime Sorayama courtesy of NANZUKA

Hajime Sorayama was having a solo exhibition at Jacob Lewis Gallery N.Y. at the time of this interview. For those who have seen his work it’s truly memorable, and for those that haven’t your missing out on a real one. This renowned illustrator/artist started his career in the 70’s, and his unique style has never been touched since. His sexy robots titillate to this day, looking as modern, or forward as ever. Sorayama is no spring chicken now, but he has an uncanny knack of knowing what is up with the youts today. Case in point his recent collaboration with Korea’s hottest menswear designer du jour, Juun J. Look even deeper to his earlier collaborations with street wear brands such as Stüssy, Marc Ecko, NIKE, British Knights, and skate-wear brand Dark Star. These heavy-hitters wanted to get down with Sorayama so you know what’s up!

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位於紐約的Jacob Lewis Gallery 近日正舉行日藉著名插畫師/ 藝術家空山基( Hajime Sorayama ) 的個人展覽。這位從上世紀七十年代已漸露頭角,今天已成為大師的藝術家,以繪畫造型性感的機械女郎而為人所熟悉。那些外表冰冷又性感的機械女郎,最早誕生自七十年代,卻沒有予人過時的感覺。空山基雖然不年輕卻緊貼潮流,並與時代同步。除了活躍藝術界,他更踏足時裝界,像今個秋冬他與炙手可熱的韓國男裝品牌Juun J. 合作,亦曾與街牌Stussy 、Marc Ecko 合作設計T 恤,為NIKE 、British Knights 、滑板品牌Dark Star 等這些街牌設計球鞋。他的作品橫跨不同時代,透過這些機械人畫作他向人們展現了自己眼中的未來世界。


像一般的男性,空山基對女性胴體發生興趣是在中學時期,那時他喜歡以《Playboy 》雜誌為靈感,繪畫在六十年代十分盛行的Pinup 性感風格畫作。直至1978 年,空山基受到當時他的朋友的邀請,為一個啤酒品牌繪畫機械女郎,自此他便停不下來,一直以機械女郎為作畫對象。而在八十年代,他為著名色情雜誌《Penthouse 》創作的連載作品,獨特的畫風在當年成為一時佳話。

除了他筆下的機械女郎及未來世界,在空山基的創作生涯中,曾參與過一些與科技等有關的工作。例如在八十年代,他參與了科幻cult 片《Braindead 》、《Time Cop 》的創作,其後他又為Sony 設計了機械狗AIBO ,AIBO 不但在2000 年獲得日本最高榮譽的設計獎項,更成為MOMA 的永久藏品。

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我們終於能夠與我們的朋友,香港設計師YC楊展合作了!他用了一個怪異的電影作為靈感設計了這一場時裝表演。這是一個我們不太熟悉的風格,他向我們介紹了這個日本導演Shije Terayama。無論如何那天我們將PMQ反轉了:那個細小的房間中我們阻擋了所有光源,令視覺上的一切都是強烈的顏色和黑暗的互相糾纏。包括一個Shibari表演也是在這令人不安的黑暗中發生的。當中似乎有個「話事人」,所以人都要跟隨他的指示。但「話事人」後面還有一個「話事人」…當中12個模特兒有的被人騷擾著、有的裸體。房中很侷促,應該是個人人都想離開的地方但觀眾卻不停地進入了解這看來變態的表演(還有人帶小朋友…)。這就是我們最想看到的畫面,震驚著來PMQ的你,開放的去欣賞我們的創意。

Yes we were finally able to collaborate with our friend and HK designer, Yeung Chin. And what a collaboration it was! A short, bizarre movie was the inspiration behind the show. YC introduced me to a Japanese director, Shije Terayama, who’s work I was not familiar with. It was a surreal piece, at turns erotic, and just plain bugged out. Visually it was heavily color gelled, and we took those 2 pieces as starting points. Well 3, surreal, erotic, and colorful. What manifested was a performance piece the likes of which PMQ had never seen! It included wild characters, and a Shibari performance, all in a dark, yet colorful room that barely fit the performers! It was hot, crammed, and a challenge for the audience. Just the way we wanted it! Really enjoyed the fact that fashion stereotypes were challenged. Specifically body forms and traditional concepts of beauty. Also, it was a pleasant surprise to see an audience from all walks of life, nationality, and age, be open-minded and appreciative of the piece! Onwards and upwards YC!

Photos by : Ric So and Ronnie Yeoh

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