Direct and to the point this one. Paul’s Corner on summer hours. Rated Disturbed and laughable.
Filed Under: MAGAZINE, PAUL'S CORNER, TOP_BANNER Tagged With: aircraft, Arnold Schwarzenegger, babes, babies, bad bitches, bad jokes, bike, boobs, butts, cartoons, contortions, David, drunk, evil laughs, Family Guy, G strings, ghosts, hand job, hotties, knitting, lingerie, Mugsy Bogues, N, NSA, Obama, Paul's Corner, penis, Putin, search, selfies, Shanghai, soldiers, SPITGAN, swimsuits, The Internets, twisted humor, ugly, union worker, Yao Ming, yoga pants
Women you love being photographed. A send up to you. We appreciate you in all your beauty and travesty here at Paul’s Corner. Do you and we will do we. From spitting lasers outta your butts, meme wisdom, and human debauchery, you’ve got it all here. Rated disturbed, 18+ and NSFLIFE. Enjoy!
Filed Under: PAUL'S CORNER, TOP_BANNER Tagged With: 2Pac, Anne Frank, Archer, asian chicks, Asians, bad jokes, ballerina, bench press, Biggie, bikinis, black women, blind man, blonde, boobies, Booty, brunettes, burgers, cartoons, cellphones, chairs, chicks, chips, Cleveland, computers, dance, demo tapes, dog pile, dogs, Doritos, eating, evil laughs, exercise, fail, flexibility, floral dress, fondu, frustration, G strings, gaze, gifs, girls, GOD, horse play, hotties, hula hoops, Justin Beiber, kids, knives, lasers, lazers, memes, menu, milk, monkeys, Nathan, nudes, opinions, paradise, Paul's Corner, phone, photography, porn star, Private Ryan, refs, religion, Science, seals, selfies, sexual harassment, shotguns, skateboarder, skating, sleep, SPITGAN, squats, Stanley Cup, stockings, street art, Super Mario, swimsuits, Taylor Swift, The Internets, tits, toilet cover, trees, tricks, TV, twerk, twisted humor, views, watches, waterslides
Ohh bring the giggles and cracks. Bring’em by the bag load. The best jokes, laughs and evil goodness we could find for you from the Internets. Paul’s Corner, SPITGAN!
Filed Under: Dailies, PAUL'S CORNER, TOP_BANNER Tagged With: amish, avocado, banana, beer, butts, chicks, cliffs, crystal, dates, dogs, drums, evil, fails, G strings, gifs, goats, guns, gyms, hand lotion, hawaiian shirts, hipster, hotties, houses, Humor, jars, kids, lammas, laughs, letters, lion cubs, lions, mountains, mouse trap, murals, music notes, night photography, nods, orgy, parks, Paul's Corner, peeing, racist cartoons, Rock, selfies, sex, sheer fabrics, sheet music, snow, soft, spill, sports cars, Star Wars, statues, street art, sunsets, surfer, Thanks Obama, The Internets, tiger cubs, tits, views, wave