還記得Lara Stone?相信大家對她的印象是她的大牙縫。不知何時開始大牙縫變成時裝界及模特兒界的新焦點。我亦得到一些資訊是有一些造型師或攝影師會為模特兒用電腦軟件修她們的牙齒變成大牙縫,這看到可能大牙縫將會成為另一時尚潮流。這季H&M亦推出大牙縫圖案毛衣,真的走在潮流的尖端。若果你想成為潮流的尖端一份子,快去H&M入購它吧!

Remember when Lara Stone came in? Besides them wholesome tata’s she was also the poster girl for the gap in the teeth trend. Or was that someone else of the same era? I have it on first hand information that stylists photoshopped some girls to look like they had a gap in they teeth. Probably the hottest trend for models to happen since the turn of the millenium? Let me throw that out there to you wolves for arguement. Anyways check this out. A sweater from H&M, celebrating the look! Pretty clever I must say. For whatever you think of the quality, its for quick strike effect anyways right? Kapow!