你一定知道范思哲拥有拥有一群庞大忠实的嘻哈骨灰粉群体。它为客户设计的口袋还是颇有趣的。你觉得有哪位说唱歌手为自己添置一件嘛?然后在音乐视频中得瑟一番?需要说明的是,它是外穿护裆不是内衣护裆。范思哲不止一次的强烈声明,它是穿在裤子外面的,不过我猜测光是那亮瞎眼的售价就足够为它撑起知名度了。穿着它浑身上下必定是打满了“小流氓”的标签,我敢赌一块钱Jody Highroller已经在某处推荐了“范思哲的外穿护裆”…

You know Versace has a huge, loyal Hip Hop following. Actually it has niche pockets to its clientele that are quite interesting. Do you think some rappers gonna get themselves one of these? Sport them in a video? To be clear this is jock strap not a codpiece. Versace makes one bold statement after another by also wearing the jock strap on the outside rather than in. Guessing that the price tag for this piece would warrant you give it high visibility anyways. You know what? After further consideration this has Riff Raff’s name all over it. I would bet other people’s money Jody Highroller already has made reference to a ‘Versace jock strap’ somewhere’s…