在2010年,行為藝術家Marina在她的MoMa回顧展中,重新演繹了作品‘The Artist Is Present’。她靜坐在長桌的一端,另一端是燈光下的空凳。她一直彷如木頭人般默默地與隨意坐下的觀眾對視,直至Ulay突如其來地坐下……

背景補充:Marina Abramovic 和 Ulay 於70年代曾經是戀人,既同住在旅行車,又是行為藝術演出的拍檔,彼此親密無間。然後當戀情走到了盡頭,他們兩個去到中國長城上,各從一邊迎面走到中間,用力相擁過後便各走東西了。

In 2010, for her MoMa retrospective Marina performed ‘The Artist Is Present’, where she shared a minute of silence with each stranger who sat in front of her. Without her knowing Ulay made a surpise appearance.

Backstory :: Marina Abramovic and Ulay were lovers in the 70s, performing art together out of a van they lived in. China connection; when the relationship had run its course, they walked the Great Wall, each from one end, meeting for one last big hug in the middle and never saw each other again.