Reviewed by @Blue_Spiritu

Summer is here [If you didn’t notice] and Lushroom & Scaredkrow brought us their new EP, “Huzzah” to match those summer feels. “Huzzah” is basically the soundtrack for your summer fling, your last minute plans with the homies, your late summer nights under the stars, your ice cream dates and of course your pointless car rides with no specific destination. Lushroom & Scaredkrow give us apologetic and brokenhearted lyrics paired with chill/ lighthearted beats [honestly the best combo for chill summers lol].

Some honorary mentions off the EP:
1- come with me
2- 6 hours apart
3- i don’t really need u

Check out the EP here :


Written by : Tina Rateau @blue spiritu

My relationship with music has almost always been about associating the sounds to a memory, or making up scenarios in my mind loosely based on those memories. When I listen to
Sparky by Nigerian artist Santi @cruelsantino (produced by Odunsi @odunsitheengine), 2 scenarios come to mind.

The first scenario is me in a car with my friends back in Haiti driving into the sunset, with only one destination in mind: the beach. The second scenario is me driving home after an afternoon of doing god knows what, under the orange lights from the highway lamp post back in Indy. All of this to say that Santi has the power the bring the chillest and mellowest vibes to whatever it is that you’re doing.

Check out the song in the link below!