CN – Serruria

嗜好是籃球嗎?籃球不就是世上最酷的運動!是啦!Pepsi…我不會說我是Pepsi的粉絲,不過紅色罐子的我隨時都有興趣喝上兩口。拿出那兩個牌子試味來,我一定會分別到。有關Pepsi,他們真的常常找到星中之星。記得Mike嗎?是Michael Jackson。他就是其中最著名的巨星代言,他不就是在那個甚麼廣告裡面燒著頭髮嗎?話說回頭,Uncle Drew系列回來了。繼續著故事線,第二號冒險來了。

You down with basketball right? Its only the best game in the world! Yessir. Pepsi ah, Pepsi…I can’t say I’m a big fan of yours. I will take a can of that red good stuff any day. Bring on those old school taste tests. I guarantee I can identify now. One thing about Pepsi, they always had the biggest stars though. Remember Mike? Michael Jackson that is. He was one of the many on the payroll. Wasn’t he doing a commercial and thats how he burnt his hair? Anyways…this series with Uncle Drew is back. Continuing the story line, this is the adventure of recruit number two.