來到春夏,又是一遍色彩斑斕的世界。就讓Leonard帶我們走進今季SS14七彩繽紛的世界吧! 一開場,模特兒所穿著的是帶有印花圖案的藍色皮夾克和擁有鮮艷圖案的短裙,品牌的設計師  Raffaele Borriello 在服裝中注入大量鮮艷圖案再配以夾克設計,從而突出青春及運動的元素。然而,隨後步出的模特兒穿著的都是同色系而不同設計的服裝。Leonard令我們感受到甚麼是精緻、優雅和青春。當中連身裙的設計也能突顯出時尚的女性美。在優雅藍色的色調上配以色彩繽紛圖案,就像在冷靜個性中增添活力;再配襯幾何形狀的飾物,更能突出現代時尚感覺。

Sometimes you surprise yourself. I have not been a big fan of Leonard even though they were kind enough to invite me to a show in Paris some years ago. Its just not my flav so its tough, not political. As it undergoes change, SS14 will be the grand finale show under the helm of Raffaele Borriello. These floral print, cobalt blue combinations stood out, and the grand finale piece as well. Other points of interest included the chunk jewelry in geometric shapes. Peace.